Cheerio|Farkle x Reader

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Lucas was trying to teach Farkle how to be "athletic" in the gym. You offered to be his cheerleader and Riley joined you, dragging Maya along with her. "Farkle,Farkle's got that sparkle!" You chanted repeatedly jumping up and down. "Hey y/n," "Yes Farkle." You responded your eyes lighting up. "Could you keep it down I'm trying to calculate." He said, his words stomping your heart and killing your vibe. "Oh okay, sure." Your voice sank as you sat down on the cold hard floor. "You ok pom poms?" Maya asked as she plopped down next to you. "Yeah I'm fine. It's Farkle remember. He loves us." You beamed. Farkle finally let go of the ball only to hit your head. "Ouchie..." You said as your eyes began to tear. "Y/n, are you alright?" Lucas asked. "Well obviously not, Sparkle over there hit her pretty dang hard." Maya stated. "Y/n I'm so sorry let's get you to the nurse." He apologized kindly as he grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the gymnasium. "Farkle I really am fine." You said, not crying any more. "Nonsense we're going." He said pulling you into Ms.Amy's "office". "Farkle for the last time I cannot give you a note out of PE." Nurse Amy said as she walked towards the couple. "Not this time Francis. I accidentally hit Y/n in the head with a basketball during gym." Farkle explained. "Oh honey, your a public safety hazard now. No more gym for 1 week." Ms.Amy Francis said as she swiped her blonde hair out of her face and began writing 2 excuses."This goes for you too y/n. Except your not a danger, your in danger." She said as she handed us our excuses and pushed us near the exit. "Amy what about y/n?" Farkle remined the hourglass in front of us of my injury. "Ah yes. Come here honey bunch." She commanded. I sat and she pressed against my forehead. "Does this hurt?" She asked. "Yes..." "Good that means your alive." She informed while grabbing an ice pack from her freezer. "Here you go. Bye now."
"Are you okay y/n?" Farkle asked.
"Yes Farkle I'm okay. For the hundredth time I'm okay." "Sorry, I just feel really bad." His tone fell just as his head did. "Oh Farkle." You sighed as your arms wrapped around him.
Hey guys! Hope you like my new fanfic I'll be taking request until further notice. BTW I got the title from glee. You know sue's cheerleaders, the Cheerios, no just me okay. Oh and today is Chris Colfer's birthday (the guy who plays Kurt Hummle)

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