Just do it✅|Maya x Riley

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"You really think she's gay?" Maya raised an eyebrow at Farkle, in reference to their friend Riley. "Yea, can't you tell by the way she interacts with other females?" Maya moved to the floor with her knees in her face. She dissected Riley's behaviors in her mind rapidly. "Nahh..." Dismissing Riley's attraction to her or any other woman was easy for Maya.
"You really think she's gay...or that she even likes me?" Riley sighed on the corner of her bay window. "Sure. Have you met Maya?" Lucas laughed trying to lighten the mood, but failing. Riley's face seemed permatly molded into a sad and eerie frown. "Hey, you never know." Lucas rubbed her shoulder through the window.
"Why don't you just ask her?" Farkle suggested; even he was getting tired of them denying their attraction toward each other. "It's not that simple." "It should be, you two are best friends...aren't you?" Maya's head shot up from her knees. "Huh...we are...aren't we." she smiled softly
"I should just ask her." Riley sprouted up from the ledge of the window. "Yeah you should!" Cheered Lucas from behind her. "I should just go up to her and tell her how I feel." Riley marched around her bedroom like an important historical figure giving ideas on how to run a nation. "Yes do it!" Lucas clapped. "I should just go to her and say 'Maya I love you with every fiber of my being and I want to kiss you right now'!" Riley gasped at her own words. "Well that's a start." Lucas climbed through the window to comfort Riley better. "It's just not that easy."
"That's it Farkle! I'm gonna tell her how I feel!" Maya yelled her battle cry. "Yeah do that!" Farkle yelled back.
"I'm gonna walk straight to her house and say Riley I love you and even if this damages our friendship I will still love and care about you!" Maya covered her mouth. "Woah..." she whispered. Farkle smiled. "Tell her that."
Maya's sneaker encased feet carefully climbed the fire escape to get to Riley's window. Now that she thought about it she should've gotten a bunch of roses like on Pretty Women so she could be certified romantic. "Oh Lucas you're here. Can you like not be here?" Maya motioned to the outside of the window. "Remember what we talked about Riley." He gave a sharp "you better not chicken out on this" look. Maya closed the window. "You might wanna sit down for this." Riley's eyebrows furrowed but she sat quietly. Maya took the deepest breath of her life and finally blurted out, "Iloveyouandiwantustostillbefriendsafterthis." Riley's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?" Maya took another breath. "I love you and I still want to be friends after this." Maya's face temperature rose and her face was red as a rose. "I love you too." Riley hugged her tightly. Maya's breathing began to steady.
"Farkle our plan worked." Lucas high fived his best friend. "Thanks to my brilliant idea of hyping them up." "Yeah, we should do that more often."
"IT WAS MY IDEA TO BEGIN WITH." Zay deadass screamed from out of no where. " Oh okayyy...." Lucas left the room because he was done with them.

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