I Scream, You Scream|Riley x reader

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"Hi hun." You sang wrapping your arm around your girlfriend. "Hey y/n." She smiled. "Where are your friends?" You asked, genuinely concerned. "Oh, they're working on some project for my dad." She explained. "And you're not?" "That's part of the project." She giggled at your concerned lover act. "So, got any plans?" "Nope." "Great." You grabbed her hand and pulled her in the direction of the nearest ice cream shop. "Y/n, where are you taking me?" 
You chuckled at her adorableness.
"You'll find out soon." She rolled her eyes at your unpredictably. "Are we there yet?" "Hold your horses sugar." Riley let out an annoyed groan. Once your feet stopped in front of the ice cream parlor Riley's eyes lit up. "Surprise!" You beamed as you led her into the bright pink colored 50s themed parlor. "Y/n you didn't have to do this all for me." A bright pink blush painted her face as she gazed upon the menu. "But I want to." You placed you hand on her shoulder and pecked her cheek. "Thank you y/n." "No problem Riles." You grabbed a menu and decided on what you wanted to order. "So what flavor do you girls want?" The waitress was dressed in cherry red. She had as much aditude as her outfit. "Strawberry." You said in unison. "You go first." You quickly stammered. "I want one scoop of strawberry with sprinkles in a waffle cone." "And you?" "I'll have one scoop of stawberry and one scoop of pistachio." "Ew." The waitress commented before leaving. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Riley. "Hey." You winked. "Hi." "So, you come here often?" "No, this is my first time." She played into your cliché. "How 'bout I buy you a cone, little lady." She chuckled. "No I don't think my girlfriend would like that." (Sorry for the asumption of the genders, just change it if it doesn't apply) "Oh, well your girlfriend must be really lucky." "She is, and I am too." You looked at each other and giggled, light pink blushes tickling your cheeks. "Here's your ice cream ladies." The sassy waitress handed you your ice cream cones. Your girlfriend lead you out of the parlor. "Now I have a surprise for you." She smirked. "What if I don't like surprises?" "Oh you'll love this one." You smiled and slowly licked your ice cream. She brought you around in circle on the street across the ice cream parlor. "Do you know where we're going, love?" You inquired. "Yes." She answered confidently. "Alright." You followed her without a doubt. "We're almost there pumpkin." She turned around to flash you her award winning smile. You felt warm and fuzzy knowing she was happy. "We're here." She squeaked pulling you into the playground. "Aren't we a little old for this." You asked. "What? Of course we aren't." She was obviously it raged by your comment. "Okay fine. Let's go on the slide." Riley suggested. You sighed  in defeat.
"Come down y/n, I'll catch you." She said below the slide. "This is lame Riley. I wanna go on the swings." She chuckled. "Just slide down." You raised your arms and gravity helped push you down the slide. "Now that wasn't so hard." Riley grabbed your waist and pecked your cheek. You laughed happily. "Come on hun. Let's go home." You put your arm around her and led the way to her parents apartment.
  Le end. Requested by: @StarbucksQueenMorgan I hope it didn't suck. I wrote most of this on vacation while I was being antisocial.
Ps. Did y'all catch that 13 reason why reference?

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