Lost Remote|Riley x reader

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You and Riley were sitting in the bay window waiting for Maya to return with food. "What in the world are we watching?" "I don't know. Hey, where's the remote?" You said as you looked up and down and all around the room. "Riles I think we lost the remote." You stated. "Oh no, it's remote family must be worried sick."
"We should put up posters and post an ad on the back of milk cartons. " "Let's do it!" She yelled as she got out white sheets of paper and markers from her backpack. You both drew pictures of the remote on the paper and wrote a heading that stated "Missing Remote". You scattered posters around the halls while Riley covered the rooms. "Do you think we'll find it?" You asked as you put up the last of the posters.  "Hopefully." She replied. "What the hell are you two doing?" Maya asked when she passed up the halls. "Um, looking for the remote." You squeaked. "Can you two do anything like normal people?" "Nope!" Riley perked up and skipped back into her bedroom. Maya rolled here eyes, smiled, and followed Riley. You did the same. When you got in the room Maya was eating spicy chips and Riley was frantically looking for the remote. "Need some help Riles?" "Sure Y/n." She smiled. "Damn, these chips are hot. Brb I gotta get some water." Maya announced while she headed out the door. "Hey, could you lift that cushion." She pointed to the cushion on the right of her's. You complied and lifted the cushion. While you were lifting it you fell sideways and landed on top of Riley. "Hi." She smiled. "Hi." You replied. You tried to push yourself up but you fell flat on Riley's face. Your lips squashed her's. "Ow." She said as she pushed your face away. "Wanna try that agian?" You asked. "Oh Um okay." You leaned slowly into her face and tilted your head. The kiss was short but, it was still fun. You both giggled. When Maya walked into the room you awkwardly squirmed away from each other. "Ooh I'm telling Cory!" Maya threatened. "Wait Maya noo!!" Riley got up and chased her. "Cory!!! Topanga!!!" You grabbed Maya and put your hand over her mouth. "Ssshh..." Maya nodded. "Okay I won't tell...if you find the remote." You and Riley searched up and down her room. "I frickin found it!" You yelled, loudly. "COOL THANKS!!!" Maya yelled, even louder. "No problem..." "Okay cool let's watch TV." Riley suggested changing the subject. Maya snatched the remote out of your hand and turned on the tv. You rolled your eyes and allowed them to return to looking at the screen.
        LE END
Leave me a fucking comment 'Cause I'm very lonely. Leave me some request, I might do 'em.
Hugs and kisses.

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