Let's run away|Maya x reader II

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"Come on y/n!" Maya called to you from the other side of the road on the sidewalk. "Hold on! I'm trying to cross the damn street!" You yelled looking left and right. "Just run!" You rolled your eyes at Maya's recklessness, but ran anyway. "Holy jumping fucking shit balls!" You screamed as you quickly ran through the gap in traffic. Maya laughed. "You're sweet, for a delinquent." You giggled. "You're pretty for a misfit." Maya's cheeks blushed a light pink. You looked the opposite direction of her at an attempt to be less awkward. "Hey look a gas station!" You pointed. "Let's get slurpees!" Maya exclaimed. Maya's face fell when she realized she needed money. "What's wrong?" You asked, slightly worried. "I'm broke af."  She whispered. "Don't sweat it. I'll buy you one." Her face muscles perked at your words. She grasped your middle and pulled you into a hug. "I love ya, pumpkin." Now it was your turn to blush. "Thanks Maya..." Maya shakily removed her hands from your waist. Thankfully after those few awkward moments the two of you were finally at the gas station. "Give me Slurpees or give me death!" You yelled walking into the 7/11. The cashier rolled her eyes at your outburst. "To the slurpees!!" Maya screamed. You both grabbed the biggest cup available. "What frickin' flavor do we pick?" You asked staring at the array of colors in front of you. "You mean flavors..." Maya corrected. She mixed three different flavors; black cherry, pina colada, and lemonade. You mixed blue raspberry, pina colada, and pineapple mango. "That'll be (insert whatever the hell slurpees cost)." "Great!" You said as you paid her. "We have got our Slurpees bitches!" You yelled walking out. The absence of children around made you wonder if your parents were looking for you at school. "Hey Maya, what's gonna happen when we get caught?" Maya froze for a bit and then shrugged her shoulders. "We'll be outlaws on the run." "If we're on the run we should probably walk further away from the school." You suggested. "Nah we gotta let 'em know we're wandering about. You know, just to tick them off." You nodded at the idea. "Let's go to Topanga's." Maya agreed and walked in the direction of the restaurant.
"Wazzup!!" You yelled while opening the doors for Maya and yourself. Katy wasn't there so Topanga (surprisingly), took orders herself. "Maya! Your mother's worried sick about you and y/n I'm surprised at you for taking part in such delinquency!" Topanga yelled as she pulled the two of you by your hands. "I wanted a cheesecake not a lecture." You mumbled. Maya giggled and sent a wink your way. Topanga pulled the both of you into the kitchen. "Now stay here while I make a couple of phone calls." After waiting a few seconds you started to look for an escape route. "Maya, can you open that window?" You asked. "Sure." Maya unlocked the window and pushed out the screen. "Hurry up and jump through." You whisper yelled, hoping Topanga was still on the phone. Maya made it out and then you followed. "We did it!" Maya yelled. "Sshh she might still hear us." "Let's hide behind those trashcans." You ducked behind a row of large blue trashcans. "See if she's coming." Maya peeked her head from the side of the trash cans. "She isn't. Let's run for it. My mom is probably on her way." You both wandered farther away from Topanga's. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. "Hey Maya, do you remember that episode of Spongebob when Patrick hid under his rock and SpongeBob couldn't find him?" "Yeah..." Maya answered  slowly. "If we hide somewhere obvious they probably won't find us." "Great idea y/n!" "Let's go to my house, since it's closer." You suggested. "Sure, as long as I can take a nap."
Your home was empty when you arrived. You immediately grabbed your cell phone and turned off the location. You noticed a text from Zay.
"Are y'all alive?" It read. "Yes we are." You replied. You also got a text from Farkle a little later. "The principal  found camera roll of the boys who framed Maya for defacing school property." "Gucci." A few seconds passed. "Call your parents." "I thought you were a genius Farkle. Why say something so stupid." "What you did was stupid now call your parents and tell them where you are." "Are you texting in class?" "That's not important. Call your parents."
You sighed. "Maya they caught those boys who framed you." Maya rolled over in the couch. "Great. Now what." "Farkle wants us to call our parents." "I thought he was smart?" Maya asked. "I know right, but maybe he has a point. If we rat ourselves out we might not be in as much trouble." Maya sighed. "Call them."
"Maya, y/n, you're not in trouble for defacing school property. However you are in trouble for walking off of school campus. The usual punishment for this is 5 day suspension, but since this is Disney Channel, I'll make it 3 days." The principal announced. You smirked. "Hey Maya I know what we could do for 3 days." "What?" "Runaway with me?" "I thought you'd never ask." You locked hands tightly and walked out of the principal's office.
Le end♡  dis was longer than expected. Requested by: Shes_Goldenn hope it was fun to read. Byeeeeeeeee

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