Do The Math(req)|Farkle x reader

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"If you don't pick up your shitty math grade you're going to fail this class!" You couldn't tell what was more fiery, your math teacher's hair or her attitude. Thank God she waited until after class to scorch you. "I'll get it up, i promise." Your hands were sweaty and shaky, but you stuffed them in your pockets so that no one could tell the difference. "You're damn right you will." She opened the door for you and used a stern finger to direct you out. After she slammed it the hallway jiggled a bit.
"Harsh..." Farkle whispered as he passed by you. "Minkus wait!" You grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie. "Can you please help me?" He turned slowly. "Why should I?" He looked you up and down with his chilly blue eyes. "Listen Farkle, I know we've had  our differences in the past but, we were in middle school for fucks sake." You noticed his lack of turtle necks and loud colors. He grunted in frustration. "I'll help you for a week, but if you try anything, it's over. Got that?" You nodded. "I'll send you my address."

(insert those weird Wizard's of Waverly Place time lapse dance things)

It was 5pm when he knocked on your door. You were sitting on the couch watching the latest Disney channel show. "It's open!" Farkle let himself in and scowled at the tv. "This is really what you watch in your free time? No wonder you're failing, those Disney shows rot your brain." He lectured, spilling his math books out on the table. "Damn are you my tutor or my mom?" You laughed at your own joke and pulled up a chair.  Farkle sighed. "Do you wanna be a freshmen again next year?" You cringed at the thought of it. "Hell no." "Then take this seriously." His light eyes pierced through you... You've always had a thing for his eyes. "Okay so do you know what a variable is?" He used his fingers to split the book right down the middle. Easily, he found the correct page. "We learned that in like 6th grade dude. Those are the weird letter things. Letters don't belong in math." You scoffed and crossed your arms. "Well I had to ask. You and I both know that you did everything but pay attention in math class." You let a chuckle slip through your mouth even though you didn't think it was funny. "Farkle do you really think that I meant any of the stupid shit i said in middle school?" Your hands slammed loudly against the wooden table. "Do you really think the stupid shit you said in middle school didn't affect me?" He stood up, packing his books. You grabbed his hand. It was soft and cold. From the position you were in, you could feel his pulse, and for a few minutes you held his hand. "I'm sorry," you whispered. "Please don't go." You begged. He took in the situation; calculating every detail in his mind. "I won't." He finally answered. For the next 30 minutes you studied. He talked and you listened; you asked and he answered. Then, he asked "Why..." You looked up from your book. "What do you mean?" Your fingers climbed up to the back of your ear. "Why did you say those things to me?" His voice cracked a little. Your sigh echoed across the room. "I'm sorry. I guess, I just liked you a little." You giggled. For the first time ever you giggled near Farkle Minkus and it wasn't about his name, or his turtlenecks, or him just being him; it was because you loved him. "Oh. Oh" He couldn't calculate a well structured response to that, but he managed to come up with "I like you too." The entire energy of the room changed and the two of you felt like you were floating on clouds.
Xoxo, SirensRegrets 💋(i used a lot of semi colons in this YIKES)

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