Old Money|Maya x Farkle

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"It's easy to get caught up in what's not real." Maya handed me the virtual reality headset. "One day I hope to make a few things reality." Like you and me... "DIE ZOMBIES DIE" I didn't think Riley would get that much into my zombie video games, but I'm glad she did. "What things do you hope to make a reality, Farkle." She cocked her pretty little head sideways and her blonde hair caught the light from my window perfectly. At 5:00pm you turn golden. '"All of those things that you want, I wanna make them reality." "Oh really. So you'll fix my leaky roof?" She got up and dropped her sunglasses back on her nose in a cocky 'i don't want your money rich boy' kind of way. My dad walked in, radiant as usual. Even in crisis the man had a glow to him. Everytime I see him it reminds me that I'll never live up to the expectations he set for me. "Farkle how come you've never had your friends over?" Dad asked placing a strong hand on my shoulder. Without really thinking i said, "I guess I'm ashamed sir." He was stunned by my word choice. "Of me?" Immediately my mouth cleared the tension, "No, never of you. We have all of this stuff; we have so much, why do we deserve it?" Maya shifted her head to get a better view of our conversation. God, I was practically shaking. Sometimes I wish I was like her, because she never shakes when she says what's on her mind. Father frowned, "Aren't you proud of my work Farkle?" He sat down on the floor and I sat with him. I looked up to Maya, she was playing with a cat in her purse but her blue eyes never left me. "I am proud Dad, you've done a great job at inventing things and making technological advancements but-" I tried to hold myself together and a sigh of exhaustion crept through. "How does that help anyone?" A long pause fell and I was tense. What did Dad think? "Farkle, son, you're right..."
He got up and left. I was so relieved. "Next rule of being poor: you're never to broke to help someone out." She hit my shoulder and handed me 10 dollars and her perfect soft hands grazed my skin, leaving the scent of floral lotion on my palms. I smiled down at the money. "Whatchu gonna do with it, pretty little not-so-rich boy?" "I'm gonna help someone out." I wanted nothing more than to put Maya's good advice to use.
We're in her room and she's glowing again. Her blonde hair had a silver tint in the moonlight by her window, and not a single drop fell from her roof onto her pretty little head. "Hey, Little Rich Boy." She plopped her head on my shoulder, "Thanks for fixing my leaky roof..." and she kissed my cheek-- and not a weird 'it's just Farkle' kinda kiss, it was soft- it was vulnerable- it was perfect in every way. "Next rule of being poor, always help pretty blonde girls fix their roofs." I whispered while holding her hand and watching the stars twinkle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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