Believing|Lucas x reader

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             *DING DONG*
You hear from your room. You get up and open the door only to reveal, your long term boyfriend and best friend Lucas. "Y/n, you won't belive what Farkle said while we were working on our history project." He ranted as he walked in. "What did he say babe?" You asked sweetly, cocking your head to the side. "He said that Joan of Arc was crazy for hearing the voice of God and that he'd never belive in something that he can't see." Lucas explained the situation to you rather loudly. You giggled,"Well who wouldn't believe what they've never seen before. Have you ever seen the boogie man?" You asked. "Well no." Lucas replied. "Do you think he's real?" You asked. Lucas froze for a minute. "Y/n are you an atheist?" He asked. "I guess so."     (A/n: sorry if the views of 'you' in the story don't represent the views of you outside of the story but if I didn't make her an atheist it wouldn't go with the plot so yea) 
     Lucas sighed heavily and turned around so that he wasn't facing you. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He asked. "What do you mean?" You asked your eyes slightly glazed with tears."You know what I mean." He said coldly. "I-i'm sorry." You stuttered. You didn't mean to offend him. Lucas was your best friend and to think that you had disrespected his beliefs made you a little sad. "How can you not belive in God?" He questioned. "The same way that you belive in one, through faith." You whispered softly. "Huh?" "If you can huh me, you can hear me." You replied using a phrase that was often drilled into your head as a child, especially by teachers. Lucas got up and walked out of your door. You followed him out. "Where are you going?" You called out to him. "I just need time to think about it, about this." He said as he walked onto the sidewalk in the direction of his home.
You grabbed your phone and called the one person you knew would help you. "Topanga." You said as the phone finished dialing. "Yes honey?" "I think Lucas is gonna break up with me." "Why'd you think that?" "Because I told him I was an atheist and he walked out on me." "Oh honey are you okay?" "No, that's why I called." "Stop by the cafe and we'll talk about it." "Okay bye." You said as you hung up the phone. You grabbed your coat and the key to your house and left. It took you 10 minutes to get to Topanga's. You walked through the door and sat on the couch. "How ya holding up?" Corey asked. "Not too good Matthews." "Lucas is a good kid. He'll come back." Corey reassured you. "Yeah and if he doesn't I'll kick his ass." Topanga remarked. "Not if I do first." Maya said as she and Riley  were walking down the stairs. They sat down next to you.
  Suddenly you heard a noise coming from the door. "Hello Mr. And Mrs. Matthews. Riley what did you want to see me for?" He asked as he put his coat down. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you. "Y/n what are you doing here?" He asked. "I was here first." You responded. Riley got up. "Lucas sit down. You two are going to quit bickering and make up if it's the last thing you do!" She yelled. Maya rolled her eyes. "Come let's give them some time alone." Maya said as she latched onto Riley's arm and led her upstairs. Topanga and Corey went back to whatever they were doing before you got there. "Why?" "Why what?" He asked. "Why did you leave?" "I left because I was angry." "Why?" You questioned again. "Because you said that you didn't believe in a God whom I worshiped my whole life. A God that my mother worships, my father worships, damn near my entire family. I just can't believe that you don't."  "I don't because I think and don't follow my parents blindly." You snapped. Lucas faced your direction. "So now all of a sudden I'm stupid!" He yelled. Luckily, Topanga's was closed or else everyone would have been all up in y'all buisness. "Maybe you are. You did walk out on the woman who loves you just because of what she doesn't believe in your God. Well let me tell you what I do believe. I believe that tomorrow the sun will rise regardless of what happens between us today. I belive that the friendship that we have will refuse to broken over some silly argument. I believe in us,but more importantly I belive in you." You sighed and looked away from him as you finished your speech. "I-i'm sorry. I d-didn't know that you felt that way." He whimpered tears forming in his eyes. "You didn't know that I loved you?" You asked. He nodded. "Well I don't like you for your looks, that's for sure." You giggled as you punched him in the arm. "Ow. That hurt." He whined. "Oh get over it." "So we're cool right?" "Like the other side of the pillow." You replied.
             LE END ♡ ♡ ♡
Wazzup y'all!!!! I got a request in the last chapter in the comments for Lucas x reader so here you go.
Ps. Did y'all catch that glee reference
Pps. Did y'all catch that Proud Family reference
Also I take request (sometimes)
I'll also take request for BMW characters. I'm thinking about doing a Stuart x reader idk maybe.
Ppss. I write other books too hit up my profile
Pppsss. Yes I am promoting my own sh!t
               GOTTA BLAST!
Ps. Did you catch that Jimmy Neutron reference?

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