College Try|Josh x reader

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Disclaimer: I don't like Uriah Shelton's political views and I don't support of his Twitter bullshit :)

I walked along the hallways of his school's campus, along with many other soon to be freshmen during orientation. "That concludes your orientation. Now go mingle with your peers." The college administrator shooed away the teenagers. They scattered about the room. "Man, college is gonna be lit as fuck!" A tall dark skined boy exclaimed to his shorter friend. "Hell yeah! Think of the frickin' parties!" A Latino girl with red hair fell into their group. "The Alcohol!" A basic white dude chimed in. "The Bitches!" I entered their conversation. "Hell yeah!" The shorter white guy high fived me. "So what's your name bro?" The tall white guy asked. "Josh. How bout you?" "I'm Lars." He replied. "I'm Edward." The tall black guy shook my hand. "I'm Sarah." The only girl in the group looked at me sternly and the shook my hand. "Rad haircut." She commented. "Oh, thanks." "I'm Cameron." The short white guy kept his hands in his blue hoodie.                 A blonde chick with pink lips and a crop top tapped Sarah's shoulder. "Huh?" Sarah turned around and the girl whispered something in her ear. "Oh, um, everyone, this is my girlfriend, Misty. She's having a party this weekend and wanted to invite you guys." "Cool." I said. "Damn, it's 11:00 already. I gotta go home before my mom kicks my ass. Bye guys." "Bye  Edward." Everyone in our group waved him goodbye. "I gotta get to my brother's house. Later." "Peace, Josh." Lars shook my hand one last time.
"Bye." Cameron said. Sarah just waved. I walked out of the building. I was somewhat pissed that Cory made me walk all the way to those damn apartments in the night time. Thoughts started to run though my head. Thoughts like, will I get eaten by a raccoon or will a man in a big white van ask me if I want candy? Thoughts like, will I see a dead animal on the road , will a drug dealer stop me and try sell me drugs, or will I get drugged and kidnapped. By the time my wave of paranoia ended I was already at Cory's place. "Sup niece, sup nephew." I greeted Auggie and Riley, then suddenly I heard, "Uncle Boing." Maya jumped on my back. "Maya I'm not as young as I used to be. You can't just jump on an old man's back." Maya proceeded to ignore Josh. "Boing, Boing, boing," She bounced up and down on his back. "Giddy up Joshie." She said in her cowboy voice. "Okay Maya that's enough." Riley said °easing Maya off of her uncle's back. During the process of this the doorbell rang. "Oh Um y/n, you're here. Why exactly." Josh asked nervously. "What a rude way to greet your bestfriend who came all this way to give you a gift. I guess my present and I will get going." "Wait. Um, family, this is y/n."
"Hey y/n." Cory greeted you. "Sup Cory, Topaz, girl cory, boy Topanga with cory's hair, and blonde chick." Topanga rolled her eyes. "Our names are-" "I know the names Topaz ,but  I like mine better. Here you go Josh. Don't open it 'til 12:55 am. Peace peeps!" "Who was she?" Maya asked. "She was Josh's BFF since 5th grade." Riley explained. "Oh. I'm gonna go get ready for bed."
~~~~~~Time skip to 12:39am~~~~~~~
Josh stared at the ceiling waiting to open his envelope. "Y/n wouldn't mind if I opened it right? I mean she wouldn't know if I opened it early." He said to the ceiling. He grabbed your envelope and ripped it open. It was a letter expressing your true feelings toward him. "I have to call her." Josh pulled the sheets aside to grab his phone. He dialed your number and waited patiently for you to answer. "Hey." You answer in a shaky voice that made Josh think you had just finished crying. "Are you okay?" "Oh, yeah I'm fine." "I, um read your letter." "You, you did, but it's only 12:45." "Sorry I couldn't wait that long." "I knew you wouldn't." "I never knew you felt that way about me. I love you too." "Josh I don't know what to say." "How 'bout you come outside of the apartments. I'll meet you outside through the fire escape." "Okay. I'll drive there. Bye." "Bye." It took 12 minutes for you to get there. You texted him telling him you were there. "Sup l/n." "Hey Matthews. So, Josh, since you like me or whatever, what are you gonna tell that Maya girl?" You inquired. "Way to put me on the spot. I'll let her down easy. I don't wanna hurt the poor kids feelings, but she gotta understand that I'm too old for her right now." Your smirk fell. "So if we break up in the distant future and she's a little older, you'd go for it?" "I don't know y/n" "What do you know Josh?" He sighed and grabbed your hand. "I know that I love you." You smiled weakly. "I love you too Josh."
Le end... Crimson_Fire9013 requested this and i got bored so I did it today. Sry if it sucks, sry if it's long. Peace!!!

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