Secret Meeting|Riley x reader

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"Hey Riles." Maya said as she walked into her best friend's bedroom through the window like usual. "Hi Maya...*cough* *cough* *wheez*..." "Riley, please tell me that you aren't sick." "You aren't sick." Riley responded to May's overreaction to her sickness. "Come on Riley, you can't be sick. I can't handle this life thing all alone." Maya thought aloud. "Oh Maya don't be silly you're not alone you have Farkle and Lucas and Smakle and Zay. Now, get out of my room, I don't want you to get sick." Riley demanded. "Okay,okay sheesh I'm leaving." Maya said defensively as she climbed out of the window she came in. "Finally..." Riley sighed in relief as she pulled her blanket off revealing her body fully clothed in a white collared button up dress and black pumps. She hopped out of her bed and walked towards her window. She sighed as she closed her window. She didn't like lying to her best friend in the world but, it was for a greater good. Riley walked along the streets of her hometown heading towards a secluded area near her house but quite far away from civilization. There were no houses only trees. I looked around looking for the girl she came here for. "Hi Riley." You said from the tree branch above her. "Oh y/n, you scared me." She said, her voice squeaking. "Haha. Why don't you join me up here." You suggested. "Sure." She said as she attempted to climb the tree but then falling down. "Ouch." She said flatly. "Here let me help you up." You chuckle as you grab her hand and pull her up into the crevice of the tree. "So how'd you get to our "secret meeting" with Maya knowing?" You asked. "Well it was hard but I faked sick and told her to leave before she caught something." Riley spoke softly as she sighed and put her head down. "What's the matter honey?" You asked in your 50/60's Maya voice. Riley giggled. "Well I really don't like having to lie to Maya. It's practically eating me alive." You both sighed heavily and looked each other deeply in the eye's. "Everything is gonna be alright Sunflower. Once we're ready to tell the gang about us you won't have to lie anymore, we don't have to lie." You said squeezing her hand tighter with ever breath. "Riley,Y/n is that you." You heard a familiar male voice say from behind you. "It's Lucas!" Riley whisper yelled. "Hide." Riley hid in a bundle of leaves on the side of the tree. "Hi Lucas." "Hi y/n. Are you here alone?" He asked. "Yup just me and the trees." You responded trying to keep your cool. "Oh, that's funny, because I thought I heard Riley." Your body began to tense. You could tell Lucas was onto you. "Wow Lucas you really must like her if your hearing her voice all the time. Besides Riley couldn't possibly be here she's home sick." "Oh of course, that has to be true, 'Cause Riley never lies. She's just not that type of person. You know I really do admire the way she always tells the truth. Boy there really is no human on this earth more honest, than Riley. Why I bet she would lie for a thousand dollars, or a million, or a billion, not even a-" "Okay I've had enough!!" Riley yelled as she pushed through the pile of leaves she was in. "Lucas I am deeply sorry for lying to you and Maya and Farkle and Lucas and Smakle and Zay and Mom and Dad and Auggie and, and..." Riley broke down into tears. "I'm, I'm sorry..." She sobbed even louder. "Riles you don't have to be sorry." Said Maya as she pounced out of a bundle of bushes. "Yeah we respect your decision to keep your relationship private until you were ready." Said Farkle as he popped out of the same bushes Maya did. "And we don't care that your sexual orientation is different from ours. We still love you, because you are you." Zay elaborated onto z the ongoing speech about how much they supported Riley. "Yeah and no matter what you'll alway be my sister, whether you like it or not." Auggie said as he came from behind Zay and onto Riley, giving her the biggest hug she'd ever received in her entire existence. "Come on Sunflower, let's go tell your parents the good news." "Okay." Riley smiled as she wiped her tears and picked up her little brother. Before they got back on the streets she stopped in her tracks and simply asked,"How long have you guys been hiding in those bushes?"
"Since Riley fell down and you helped her up. We took pictures of the whole thing." Maya answered. "I recorded it!" Proclaimed Farkle. The group laughed and continued walking . Once they reached Topanga's Riley marched directly towards her mother and father."Corey,Topanga, can y/n and I speak to you in private for a while, it's like really important."
"Of course honey." Said Topanga as she dragged Corey along with her not waiting for his approval.
"Mother,Father I'm pansexual and currently in a loving relationship with this whack-a-doo." She said as she grabbed onto your hand. Corey and Topanga smiled. Corey broke the short lasted silence and spoke. "This is really great Riley. I'm very glad that you have finally found a person who deeply cares about just as much as you care about everyone else." Corey said as he hugged the two of you at the same time. "Come on Corey, don't go getting all mushy on us." "Yeah dad save it for when your grading Maya's paper." You all laughed and walked back into Topanga's. "So how'd it go." Farkle asked. "It was just wonderful.."

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