I Ship It|Zay x reader

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"Isaiah Babineaux!!!" You ran towards your boyfriend and hopped on his back. "Baby, get off of me." He demanded. "Nope, not until you give me those 3 dollars you owe me." "What three dollars?" He asked, baffled. "You mean, you don't remember our bet?" "What bet?" You  sighed. "The bet about Maya thinking Lucas was gay." "Oh..." He thought for a second. "Y/n if Lucas wasn't gay, not saying that he is, would you still like me better?" "Duh, Zay. You're awesome." He laughed. "Let's go meet Riley and Maya." "Wait, gimme my 3 dollars." He groaned and handed you your money. You smiled and continued walking to Riley's apartment.
"Isaiah do we really have to knock? It would be faster to go through the window like everyone else." "Yes baby, we have to knock. You can't just barge in whenever you fell like it, that's rude." He knocked on the door and waited a couple of seconds. "Hi Isaiah." Mrs. Matthews greeted the two of you at the door. "Hi Ms.Matthews." "Sup Topanga." Isaiah shot you an icy respect your elders kinda look. "I mean... Hey Mrs. Matthews." "Hi y/n. Riley's in her room." She smiled at you and your boyfriend. "Ayee Riley what's up?" "Sup y/n. Why don't you just come through the window?" She asked perplex at the idea of one of her friends coming through the door. "Well first off, climbing in through someone's window is creepy and I'm not Melissa Ethridge." Isaiah rolled his eyes. "It is creepy though." He agreed. "It's not creepy if it's expected." Lucas argued. "That's not true. Staring at your crush is expected but it's still creepy." Maya interjected. "Are we really debating on whether or not climbing through Riley's window is creepy?" Farkle asked. "Hell yeah we are." Maya said placing her feet on a table like a badass. "Why are you two here Zay?" Lucas asked. "Why you worried?" Isaiah sassily replied. "Probably because Isaiah wanted to see his undercover boyfriend that he's cheating on me with." You jokingly comment sticking your tongue out at Isaiah. "Y/n just because you and Maya think Lucas is gay doesn't mean I'm cheating on you." Lucas looked up from his phone. "Wait what?" He asked. Everyone in the room laughed at his confusion. "We all know Lucas is gay for Farkle low key." Maya wiggled her eyebrows at her own comment. "Larkle, I ship it." Riley giggled. "I have a girlfriend." Farkle chimed. "So. How do we know if she's not just your beard?" You questioned. "If Farkle's gay for Lucas then Smackle's gay for Riley." Zay conspired. "Nah bruh, Riley's already gay for Maya." Lucas disagreed. "Rilaya, I ship it." Farkle chimed, again. "Why you having fantasies about Riley and Maya, Lucas?" Zay cocked his head slightly. All eyes swooped in Lucas' direction. A gap of semi- awkward silence filled the air, broken by Maya's hysterical laughter. "Ayee Zay. Why's your girlfriend having fantasies about you and Lucas though?" Maya asked still laughing her ass off. "They're not fantasies, just suspicions. Why are you having fantasies about Farkle and Lucas, Maya?" You flashed a sinister grin in her direction after finishing your sentence. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah Maya, why you being freaky?" Isaiah laughed. "Fuck both of you." Maya swung her middle finger around. "Oh no, Zay she thinks about fucking us too." The both of you laughed wrapped in each other's arms. He placed his hand on your waist and tilted his head slowly but casually placing his lips on yours. "From the looks of it the only ones who think about fucking each other in this room are you two." Maya snarkily commented on your PDA. "Whatever." You rolled your eyes at Maya. "Why don't you and I head somewhere more private." Isaiah whispered in your ear. "Yeah I think I've had enough making fun of our friends for one day." "See you guys later." Zay waved goodbye. "Later lovebirds." Riley waved back.
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡  Sorry I haven't updated since forever. I've been hella tired. Ummm, I take request and shit. I hoped this didn't suck. Peace out!🐇

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