Let's Run Away|Maya♡x reader

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Song to listen to while reading:Thelma and Lousie by the Horrorpops.
You were standing at your locker observing your surroundings. You looked to your left to see Farkle and Smakle giggling. You turn to your right to see Maya and Riley walking towards you, and Lucas and Zay were god knows where. "Hi y/n!" Riley squealed. "Sup." Maya greeted. "Hey guys. Have you seen Lucas and Zay?" You asked. "Um, yeah. They were in the gym." Riley replied. "Ms. Maya Hart and Mr/Ms y/f/n please report to the main office." The intercom boomed breaking the conversation. "That's my cue. Later Riles." Maya saluted her best friend and walked towards the office. "Oh god, what did I do now?" You asked yourself aloud as you walked towards Maya. You walked faster matching up with her pace. "Huh? I wonder what what were in for?" You asked Maya. "Well I know what I'm in trouble for but I don't know to much about why they called you to the office." "Maybe we're not in trouble." You suggested. "Don't get your hopes up kid." She said as she opened the door to the office. Your mother (or any other parent(s)/guardian) was sitting across from Mr. Matthews and Ms.Katy was right next beside him. "Maya sweetie sit down, you too y/n." Ms.Katy said. "Now, ladies I don't want you to automatically assume that you're in trouble." Mr. Mathews said calming your nerves a bit. "But?" Maya intureppted. "But you are." Your mother/parent/guardian, intureppted. Silence filled the room for a while.
"But why?" You asked your voice jumping as you spoke.  "A boy in the 10th grade reported you two for defacing school property." Cory announced causing more confusion rather than eliminating it. Maya took a deep breathe in,"When?". She asked.
"Yesterday." He answered. "Who?" She asked. There was no reply. "Who?" She asked again clenching her fist.
"We can't say. He asked us not to." Mr . Matthews replied meekly. "Why?" She asked knowing the answer already. It was out of fear, she thought to herself. That's the lame excuse he came up with.
  "He said he was afraid." "Afraid of what?" You asked your eyes filled with concern and sadness. "A-afraid of," He sighed his hear dropping to his feet at the words that he was spitting to his daughter's best friend, to his best friend's daughter. "Afraid of you,Maya." "I didn't come to school yesterday." Maya mumbled as she stormed out of the room. "Maya wait!" You yelled as you ran toward her. By the time you caught up with her you found her in the cafeteria balling her eyes out. "Hey Maya." You whispered to her as you sat beside her. "What do you want y/n?" She sobbed. "Nothing I'm just worried that's all." You replied to her caressing her shoulder. "Do you wanna tell me what's bothering you?" You asked even though you already thought you knew. "That boy, who ever he was, was lying I was sick yesterday and didn't go to school. I couldn't have defaced anything." She lightly sobbed into your shoulder. ''Well why didn't you say anything?"
"They wouldn't belive me." She sobbed. "No one ever believes me. I'm nothing but trouble." She resumed her crying.
"Hey, screw them. I believe you, you belive you that's all we need." She smiled and wiped her eyes. "Hey how about we ditch this place and maybe get into some real trouble." You suggested. She giggled. "Okay Little Miss Goodie Two Shoes let's get out of here." She agreed. Your hands intertwined and together you walked over the gate that separated the school from the rest of the world.

Hey everybody this one was kinda incomplete so I'm thinking of writing a part two some time soon. You can leave me request but I may or may not get to it. Oh and sorry if you think the song is suckish. You don't have to listen to it if you don't want to I just thought the lyrics would go well with the plot idk. Bye!

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