Jealous! Farkle x Reader

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You were walking thought the school entrance to get to your locker. Somewhere along the way, you, being clumsy AF, tripped over a pencil. Luckily, your friend Lucas saved you from face planting into the floor. You giggled awkwardly. "Thanks Lucas." He smiled. "No problem y/n." He replied, still holding you. Meanwhile, Farkle was standing across the hall, watching the whole scene unravel. Lucas pulled you up, and you stood up straight. Farkle met eyes with you from across the hall, and then turned around to head to class early. You frowned at the thought of Farkle thinking that something was going on between you and Lucas. "Hey, I'll talk to him." Lucas said, patting you on the back and heading in Farkle's direction. You slowly gather your thing for the next class out of your locker.
   In Cory's class you and Lucas were constantly trying to get Farkle's attention. "Farkle, it's all a misunderstanding. Why won't you believe me?" He ignored your advances once again. You sighed as you walked away from him. Hours passed and lunch time came. You sat next to him, like usual. "Farkle, can we just talk about it." You asked desperately. "What's there to talk about." His words stung harder than hitting your toe against furniture. "Farkle I..." He grabbed his plate and began walking to a different table. You grabbed the hem of his shirt to keep him from leaving. He looked down and gently removed it. "Just give him some space." Maya said moving closer to you.
  The rest of the day went by. He didn't walk you home like ususal. Lucas got worried and went to find him. Zay, Smackle, Maya, and Riley all walked you home instead. "You think Lucas is having any luck?" You asked kicking rocks in front of your feet.  "Hopefully." Riley replied.
      Lucas walked the path that Farkle usually walked to get home. Hopefully Farkle hadn't gotten too far ahead of him. Lucas caught up with Farkle after about ten minutes. He firmly grabbed Farkle's shoulder to put him to a stop. Farkle pulled out his ear buds and scowled. "Look, Lucas just because my girlfriend's your mistress doesn't mean you have to rub it in my face." Lucas frowned. "There's nothing going on between me and y/n! Farkle, why don't you get that!" Lucas yelled. Farkle clenched his fist. "I get that you need to leave my girlfriend the hell alone." Although Farkle was about half Lucas' size, he was still crazy enough to almost kick Lucas' ass. "Okay yeah, but you need to talk to y/n because she thinks that you don't like her anymore." Lucas was still a little in shock from Farkle's out of character outburst. "Sure..." Farkle said walking off in the direction of his parent's house (or whatever word that should be used to describe that tall ass building).
  Lucas walked to your house to tell you about the situation. "Guys, you'll never guess what happened with Farkle." His face still showed a faint expression of shock. "What was it?"
Riley asked. "He completely flipped out on me. It was so unusual for him."
You sighed. "I should call him." You reached for your phone and dialed his number. After waiting what seemed like eternity for him to pick up a hello was released from your mouth. "Hi y/n." He answered in a monotone voice. "I was worried about you. You do know that I like you, not Lucas, right." Your voice was a bit shakey but, you managed to get the sentence out. "Yeah of course. I'm sorry for being rude with the two of you earlier. I just really like you y/n. Will you forgive me?" He sighed. You smiled lightly. "Of course."
Requested by: knivesrsharp  sorry I took so long I slept all summer lol.
If it sucked complain in my comments and request are always open, except for when they aren't.
The song above kinda fits with the theme I was going for and its a bop🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰

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