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"After a depressing heartbreak by Signe on the last season of The Bachelorette, for the first time ever, an Irishman is going to be this season's Bachelor!"

Chris Higgins, from The Bachelor, was smiling at you through the TV screen. You weren't really listening, you were preoccupied by your ice cream and the tiny Jacksepticeye on your phone screen.

Yes, you were a 24 year old who watched Jacksepticeye. Don't judge.

You were laughing at a joke Jack was saying when you hear something that caused you to almost drop your phone into your ice cream.

It can't be...

You whip your head up, scrambling for the remote. You rewind the ever-smiling Chris and listen again.

"-for the first time ever, an Irishman is going to be this season's Bachelor! Sean Mcloughlin, a 26 year old youtuber-" You gasp, and this time the phone is submerged in ice cream.

You fumble for a paper towel and rescue your phone from its icy prison, all the while thinking...

I've got to be in the next Bachelor...

After calling the number and setting up your application, you could barely contain your excitement. You kept your phone next to you constantly, checking your email every 5 minutes, searching for any sign of acceptance.

Your friend [b|f|n] was just as excited, helping you search for a response.

About a week later you got an email that just about stopped your heart:

"Hello, [y|n]!
We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted to go to this season's The Bachelor with Sean McLoughlin and others! Be ready in 4 weeks.

Chris Higgins."

I have to start packing.

It's here! Soooo sorry it took so long for the update but it's here now so that's what matters haha

Constructive criticism appreciated!

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