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Your nap is quick, restful, and uneventful. You wake up happily and immediately run to Roman for a ride to the hospital.

She immediately agrees and takes you, Moni, Luna, and Arti on the road.


Lily and Jack were practically screaming at each other. Jack was clenching his fists tightly while Lily started to rub her hands back and forth on her thighs in frantic motion, a sign of her heightening anxiety. Her voice is tight as she tries not to scream or cry or spontaneously combust from anger on the hospital bed she was hooked up to. It was a wonder that her heartbeat monitor wasn't sending a distress signal to her nurses. She felt like her heart would burst out of her chest and high tail it to the door any second.

How could he do this?

"What do you want me to do?" Jack's voice is strained, and the power behind it causes Lily to wince, but she stands her ground enough to sneer.

"You're not an idiot, Séan. You know exactly what to do. Freaking tell her!"

"I don't want to hurt her! Do you know how much that's gonna hurt?"

"Hearing it from someone else will hurt much more."

The threat underlining Lylin's words cause Jack's next ones to be dangerous and low, more akin to a growl. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." Lily's chin is up in defiance and she meets his eyes squarely. "Besides, I probably won't have to! Mendacita is more perceptive than most, and she'll jump at anything to break Y|n's-"

"Do you not care about how I feel at all? Do you even see the conflict I'm feeling here?" Jack interrupts her threat with a broken voice. Tears start to stream down his cheeks and his eyes are an angry red.

At this, Lily sighs and looks down. "Of course I do. You know I do." Jack's ears get ever so slightly redder and he takes a step forward as if in a trance. Lily doesn't notice. "But this isn't right..." She looks back up only to lean back at how close Jack has gotten. He starts leaning closer...

"Séan. No."

Her voice causes him step back, but his voice is soft when he speaks to her. "What if I care about you more than either of them?"

Lily's face colors, but her voice is hard as steel even as her eyes fill with broken tears at his confession. "If you don't tell her, I will."

The door swings open with a slam, revealing you with tears coating and staining your cheeks. Jack pales and Lily's eyes fill with renewed tears at your pain.

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough. What exactly are you refusing to tell me?"


When you got to the hospital, it took you less than a minute to get directions to Lily's room.

The ride there had taken what had felt like forever, but you thought that it must have been because of the suspense. Arti and Moni had kept the conversation going while you looked out one window and Luna looked out the other.

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