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The final changes Lily and Arti are doing to you are interrupted when a car horn honks outside the house.

Lily and Arti squee in tandem then grab a hold of your shoulders, steering you to the front door.

Lily reaches forward faster than you can think, yanking the door open before all but shoving you outside.

"Have fun and relax ok? It's Jack we're talking about," her face gets wistful, "what could go wrong?"

In the background Arti calls "Tell us everything when you get back darling!" Lily snaps out of her daze and winks at you before shutting the door again.

You turn and take a second to appreciate the limo (limo!) That was taking you to the date.

You feel a thrill of excitement.

Date. It. Is. A. Date.

Your inner fangirl is interrupted by the window rolling down and Roman leaning out, aviators low on her nose. She winks at you over them.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping," she slides them back up with one finger. "Just kidding. But seriously, get in we're gonna be late. "

You giggle at her reference and slide in the back seat across from her. You immediately notice- and ask Roman about- the tinted windows.

"Per Jack's request, you won't know  where you're going 'till you get there." She leans back in her seat and shoots you a grin. "Don't worry, I've been there. It's awesome. Beautiful, even."

You smile back to hide your apprehension then shift to lean your head on the black glass, twiddling your thumbs. The rest of the limo ride is in silence.


When you finally get there, you are a nervous wreck.

You worry so much that Jack won't like your outfit that you completely ignored when he opens the car door.

You start to hyperventilate again, but before you truly start losing breath, Jack places his hands on yours and squeezes them. Your head snaps up and your eyes meet his. Your breathing immediately calms.

"Hey. You alright?" His smile is incredibly kind. And he is really leaning forward.


"Y-yeah. I'm good. Thanks for the save." You glance away and back. Jack stays staring for a second longer that socially acceptable before shaking his head and taking a step back.

"Good. You're welcome." He runs a hand through his green hair. "Let's, uh, get going." He extends his hand out for you to grab, then pulls you up and out of the car. You both start off to where you're going, walking side by side, bumping playful shoulders now and again.

You turn to observe your surroundings as you walk. You're in a park! It has trees curving to touch in a soft sort of canopy over the dirt track you two are walking on.

Further down, you can see a glimpse of the end goal; there seems to be an expansive meadow with... a picnic blanket!

You're smile widens when you realize what you're doing today. You turn to Jack only to notice he's already looking at you, observing your reaction. When you smile at him happily his nervous face relaxes, and he grins back at you.

"You like it?" Jack's voice is nervous still, but hopeful. His hand ruffles the top of his hair.

"Like it? I LOVE it!" Your voice is estatic, making Jack's nerves seemingly disappear completely.

The Irish Bachelor Jacksepticeye X Reader Bachelor! AUWhere stories live. Discover now