Jack opened his mouth to say something, but then stumbled back a few steps, hands in the air and a woman on his chest.

Mendy had thrown herself into the bachelor, and with the way she was hugging him, the hoodie left virtually nothing for modesty on his account.

Jack clearer his throat, face red and arms waving, trying to figure out where to put his hands. He settled on placing them on her hoodie-clothed shoulders.

"H-hey Mendy..." she looked up at him with a bright smile that made your stomach turn.

"Hey Jack! Thank you so much for inviting me!!" she was still clung to him.

"Y-yup! No, uh, no problem!" as Jack says this, he gently pries her off of him by her shoulders. After getting detached, he turns to you and the rest of the girls.

Upon seeing you, he blinks almost shocked, staring at you for a moment too long before letting his eyes sweep across the others. When he and Lily make eye-contact, the air turns slightly electric... and then he continues on.

Something must have been communicated in that eye-contact, however, because you saw Lily visibly relax. Her figiting stops and... did she just sigh?!

Snap out of it! You're on this date too!!
You mentally rebuke yourself and focus back on Jack.

"Well everyone, I'd like to introduce you to our instructor James! He's gonna be helping us."

James meets all of your eyes, winking at Moni specifically. You have to fight away a blush by proximity. Your heart is set on Jack, sure, but James is very attractive.

He's tall, taller than Jack by quite a few inches, and has milk chocolate skin. He has piercing brown eyes, too, and seemingly endless muscles. He's wearing a fitting black tank top, short black exercise shorts, and black running shoes.

When you're done *ahem* 'looking him over *ahem*, you spare a glance at Moni.

She seems to be a mixture of shocked and, unsurprisingly, flustered. Her eyes dart momentarily to Jack, who has since started to talk to Lily, and then back. She gives the smallest of shrugs. Seemingly making a decision, and winks back.

Like a tennis match, your face whips back to James.

His reaction is priceless.

His cheeks darken by 5 shades and he blinks. Once. Twice. After the third blink his brain seems to catch up and he lets out a sheepish embarrassed smile.

He shakes his head, glancing once more at Moni before addressing the crowd of girls.

"Hey, guys! This gonna be a lot of fun, but be sure to be careful. If you don't follow instructions, this will get very dangerous very quickly." His voice is similar to his looks: attractive and rich like chocolate. It's deep and with one glance at Moni, you are positive she noticed. You see Lily nudge her too.

Moni is dead to the world, eyes completely and only on James, hanging off of every word he says. 

"I'll be showing you how to do a pass on the trapeze!" When James finishes, Jack cuts in.

"I've already been practicing, so I can help too!"

You and the other girls are excited. Even Mendy seems pumped, though she could be acing. You decide to give her the benefit of the doubt and drop it, following the group inside.


The circus tent was expansive, with a huge net underneath four trapeze towers. It was enormous, spanning the entire floor. It was also very high up. You glance at Jack, surprised he was keeping his head in the face of such a drop. Good for him. It was no secret that Jack was afraid of heights. You were glad you weren't. 

The Irish Bachelor Jacksepticeye X Reader Bachelor! AUWhere stories live. Discover now