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I won't keep you in suspense! Enjoy!!
It was like flying. That's the only way you could describe it. Even though you could feel the trapeze holding you up, the feeling of wind and freedom over-powered it.

You got so lost in the feeling, you almost missed James's instructions. You followed the order to higher, letting out a small "whoop" of exhilaration.

Then came the time to lay down and swing. You gulped and leaned, hooking you legs. You twisted back and reached.

For a second of fear, you didn't feel Moni's hands. Then her grip joined yours and you let your legs drop.

You swing, momentum aiding Moni's efforts to keep you held up.

However fun swinging was, this was better. Even though it only lasted a few seconds, this was soaring. The wind shot through your hair and whipped around your face, and you closed your eyes. You let out a all shout of happiness.

When you landed, you turned and helped Moni off her swing. After Moni had jumped off and landed on the net safely, you took her spot as "catcher", and watched Jack get in place with a racing heart.

He meets your eyes from across the net, and you do your best to make a "I got this" face. Picking up on your nervousness, Jack steps forward confidently, grabbing the swing with a steady hand. The message is clear.

You take a deep breath and start to swing. Jack matches your pace, never losing eye contact with you.

Closer... closer...

"Now!" Jack and you move in sync, until you're swinging by your legs. Jack let's go...

Your hand misses... (you hear Lily's terror filled gasp)

-But your other hand snaps forward to grab him! The missed hand joins the successful one and the momentum helps you swing him across.

He drops onto the platform and claps his hands before leaning on one of the bars on either side of the tower, laughing hysterically.

You let go and land on your back in the net, and look at him, joining in his laughter.

Jack looks down at you, and seeing your closed-eye smile, his laughter falters a bit.

You don't notice - you're laughing too hard - but there are three people who do.

Lily is standing with her arms crossed, with a half angry half concerned frown and a raised eyebrow.

Mendy stands next to her, though a ways away, a hand on her hip and a smirk on her face.

And Roman leans on a tent support beam by the wall, watching silently, bearing a knowing yet pitying grimace.

Jack snaps out of his stupor before you notice anything, and gets ready to catch Lily, who while climbing up, had an expression of anger and frustration in equal parts, confusing you.

She couldn't still be scared could she?

She meets Jack's eyes and something in the steel blue of hers must have scared him, because he gulps before adjusting his grip on the trapeze swing.

Lily grabs her swing and jumps, barely watching for James's call.

Okay so... not scared then.

Lily and complete the catch flawlessly, despite Lily's anger.

That's the only way you can explain her stoic expression. It was kind of scaring you if you were being honest.

You focus back on them. They seem to be having a conversation, or rather argument, but they're too far away to hear their words. It's not hard to read their body language, however.

Lily jabs a finger at his chest, furious, and Jack looks down guiltily. He puts his hands on hers to stop her mid-sentence. He looks at her earnestly and you get the impression he says something along the lines of "I'll fix it!" Lily crosses her arms and stand to her full height, making it dawn on you that she's actually a bit taller than him.

She uses this to her advantage and intimidate him, making one "I'm watching you!" motion before letting Jack jump down to the net.

Lily takes a deep breath and turns around, ready to catch Mendy, who is already in place, a smug grin on her face. Lily's expression is painfully neutral, though her facial features are soft enough to make her still look kind.

Mendy grabs the trapeze loosely, and you get an idea of what she's planning to happen. Mendy's going to let go intentionally, making it look like Lily either couldn't catch her, or dropped her. The guilt of that would devastate Lily, even it wasn't her fault.

You can only hope Lily can handle it.

Mendy and Lily start swinging, and at James's call, start the catch. Your prediction ends up being right, Mendy intentionally letting go early.

Lily responds quickly, seemingly prepared, having drawn the same conclusion you had. She leans much farther than you'd usually need to, but manages to catch Mendy with both hands.

When Mendy let's go at the end of the arc however, the swing's momentum, though strong enough to carry her to the platform, is also so strong it makes Lily fall even more forward, toppling off the swing in a heart-wrenching somersault.

Lily lets out a piercing scream of terror, and you hear everyone's gasps. She lands hard on her shoulder, and you think you hear a *pop*. You definitely hear her yell of pain.

Everyone runs to the net, only to see Lily sitting up, cradling her left shoulder with her right hand. Jack reaches her first and attempts to get her off, but she lets out a cry of pain and he backs up.

Medics run up, and James follows, lifting her up and putting her on a stretcher.

She sounds close to hyperventilation she's gasping from the pain so much. Her face is streaked with tears she's still crying, and her eyes are filled with a mix of pain and shock.

You can't hear much of the murmurs coming from the doctors and camera crew, but you do hear distinctly the words "dislocation", "hospital", and then a little later, "ratings".

You try not to scoff in disgust. Of course that's what they care about.

Lily is carried on a stretcher, and taken to an ambulance. Jack jumps in the back and sits next to her. You see her attempt a smile at you with tear filled eyes before the doors close and the van drives off, leaving Roman to herd the rest of you back to the limo.

On the way to the vehicle, you can only think of your worry and nothing else.

I hope she's okay...

You don't even notice James handing a small slip of paper to Moni with a sad but optimistic smile, or Mendy's proud, smug, grin.

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