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[This video doesn't have to do with any of the story I just listened to it while I was writing so I thought y'all might have wanted to hear it. Its my favorite classical piece.   XD]


You get to go first. You don't really know how, but it seemed like one second, you're with the group, and the next you're sitting on a cushioned bench/couch next to the pool with Jack.


The glow of the pool shed a pretty blue light on him as his mouth moved....

wait he's talking!? Shoot did he ask me a question??

You shake your head and focus on Jack, your face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry... w-what was that?"

Jack shoots you his tradmark impish grin before repeating himself.

"What was that in there? Are you alright?" His accented voice is laced with concern. You nod, looking down shyly.

"I was just... being dramatic I guess?  Ps-psyching myself out?" you struggle to find the right words to decribe what you had felt.

"Panic attack?" Jack's voice is soft and gentle as he prompts the term.

Your face scrunches in confusion. "Is that what its called? I've never had one before..."

"Oh {YN}, I am so sorry." Jack's comforting arm reaches around your shoulder and pulls you to his chest.

You don't realize you're crying [AGAIN?! Wow I must love the waterworks huh?] until Jack is wiping your tears with a gentle thumb.

You sniffle and look up at him.

Jack's blue eyes are looking at you sweetly, filled with both pity and affection.

"That must have been so scary. To go through that for the first time. I wish I had been there. I-I mean I know we don't know each other very well but..." Jack laughs nervously and, upon realizing how close you had just been, scoots away, removing his hand from your cheek, and instead rubbing the back of his neck.

You instantly try to save the convesation by over-assuring the nervous Irishman. "No no no, Its alright! I appreciate it. Besides, Lily was there, and she helped  a lot."

A far off almost dream-like look appears on Jack's face and he turns to look back at the house where the said woman was. "Yeah... Lily..."

You feel your heart pang painfully.

Then Jack shakes his head, realizing he's being rude, and focuses back on you.

"Ya know, we really don't know each other very well," He leans forward, resting his elbow on his knee and his chin in his palm. "Tell me about yourself."

You take a deep breath and tell everything you can think to tell, except for the more private things. You tell him about your job, your family, your hobbies, (shyly looking away while mentioning watching him and a few other youtubers), and a few other things. Jack listens intently the entire time, blushing slightly at the mntion of youtube before focusing solely on you again.

You both smile, laugh, and talk for a few minutes, but the entire time, you can't get that look Jack had about Lily out of your head.

You don't like the ache you feel in your chest. How are you going to survive an entire season of this?

--------------------------------------Set Change/Kind-of-but-not-really Time Skip-----------------------------

The instant you and Jack return, Spray Tan/Jezebel is snagging him and dragging him away, full of fake smiles and heavy perfume. You don't miss where, or rather, to whom Jack was heading, however. He was clearly making a bee-line for Lily.

That heart ache you felt before comes back. Before you can dwell on it though, your group of friends is with you, quickly getting your mind off of it.

After Jack escapes Jezebel's clutches, he finally reaches his goal. Linking arms with a surprised, pleased, and blushing Lily, Jack winks at the rest of you before requesting to 'borrow' her.

You all nod, and off they go, their closeness and apparent fast familiarity setting off another bout of pain in your chest.

Lily says something and they both laugh, Jack's hand meandering to rest on Lily's lower back before escorting her out the fire pit.

Deciding focuing on Lily was too painful, you instead focus on your other new friends, pushing her and Jack to the back of your mind.

Before you know it, Jack has talked to everyone, and its time for the Rose Ceremony. You know full well that the first rose was important, and you can't help but feel nervous. He won't pick you... will he?

Jakc steps onto the pedestal in front of the line of waiting women and picks up the First Impressions Rose.

He looks at everyone before taking a deep breath.

"The First Impressions Rose goes to..."

-----------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER --------------------------------------------------


p.s. Happy New Year!]

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