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"The First Impressions Rose goes to..." Jack draws out the last word.

You take in huge gulp of air, trying not to let your heart beat out of your chest. Jack winks at you and your opponents, seeming to enjoy being the cause of you collective anticipation. [P.S. so am I... >:D 

the end

just kidding! 


After what seems like forever, Jack finally he lets out his breath and smiles directly at you.


You gasp and stumble forward, not falling or tripping, more from the shock, and you catch yourself right away this time.

You are a blushing mess as you accept the rose, and your face, if its possible, gets an even darker red when Jack pulls you in for a tight embrace and a kiss on the cheek. You smile at each other before you turn to go back to your spot, feeling as light as air.

As you walk back, however, you hear something that grabs you by the ankles and yanks you back to the cold hard Earth. Jezebel, in all her 'Queen Bee' glory, has spoken to her friend in a thinly veiled stage whisper.

" He chose her because of pity clearly, I mean look at her, the clumsy hoe."

Your ears are burn with embarrassment; everyone heard her comment. You duck your head in shame, trying to fight back the mortified and angry tears.

"I'm sure you'd know all about being a 'hoe', right?"

The words are spat out in your defense immediately, though not from the mouth you'd expected. You look up shocked at masculinity of the voice you'd assumed was Lily, but she is looking behind you, mouth slack and eyes filled with a mix of admiration and shock.

You quickly realize who had spoken and whip around before shock overcomes your features as well. Jack has stepped off his pedestal and is glaring at Jezebel, jaw set and arms crossed.

Jezebel is dumbfounded. Actually, everyone is. Sure, it was at the defense of a friend -your heart swelled at the thought- but Jack rarely said a rude word to anyone, and even when he did, he was never serious.

Ignoring the seemingly stunned silence, Jack turns to Roman, who is currently trying not to smile.

"Escort this woman," he gestures to Jezebel, "off the premises immediately. There is no need to finish the Rose Ceremony tonight, I refuse to consider her a candidate any longer."

Roman's expression widens to a full blown grin for a split second before she schools her features. She turns and walks over to Jezebel, who had gone from shock to outrage as the events had  unfolded.

"Let's go, Sweetheart." Roman has, since the last time you saw her, taken off her aviators, but her scolding eyes are not any less intimidating. Jezebel tosses her head before starting to strut off, only stopping to sneer at you.

"It was still pity you ugly, clumsy, little-" She is cut off by a strong man who can only be assumed a security guard stepping up to her challengingly with crossed arms. She tosses her head again, (is she part horse? ), before whipping around and leaving, her strut becoming more of a stalk.

After the door finally closes behind her, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding. You turn and are about to go back to your friends, but are stopped by a forceful hug. From the forest of green hair you see from the head burrowing itself in your shoulder, you can tell it's Jack.

"I'm so sorry you heard that. She's so awful, don't believe a word she says." Jack's voice is stern but kind. He leans back to grip you by your shoulders and look you in the eyes before shooting you a comforting impish grin. You can't help but smile back.

"Thank you."

He lets go of you with a nod.

You start to walk back to your friends, only to be knocked back by another bear hug, this accompanied with a 'swish' that alerts you to Lily's ball gown skirt. She apologizes profusely, both for Jezebel and for not sticking up for you, before wiping your cheeks with her thumbs and escorting you finally to your other friends' comforting arms.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot seem to find the guile needed to hate the red head, despite her being 'competition'. You talk to your friends for a while before you are dispersed, the cameramen leaving as well as Jack and the hosts.

You are bone tired, [SANS MAH MAIN SKELE],  so you go straight to your room to sleep. You lay on your back for quite some time, staring at the ceiling and thinking about all the things that have happened so far.

How have I only been here a day? It feels like its been forever...

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