Chapter six

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The days went by and the team had been productive as they completed all their D ranked missions.

"Ok you will watch over the senator's 3 year old then you will help his wife with groceries an-"

"Awwww! I don't want some easy missions! I want a challenging ones..... Give me a higher ranked mission o-" naruto was cut off my chidori covering his mouth.

They were updating the Hokage with their accomplishments and have asked if there was any more to do. 

"Naruto you have to be polite especially to the kages ...... You are lucky that he is the one watching over us but if you were talking to the another kage from a different village he may set war upon out villages...I'm very sorry Lord Hokage" Chidori said in a whispering voice as she gave a deep bow.

The Hokage gave a smile at her politeness. "It's ok sweety..... But Naruto wants a tough mission? I'll give you a c ranked" Lord Third smirked.

"Really?! What is it?!" Naruto pushed her hand down and jumped excitedly.

The Hokage crossed his arms as a smirk crept on his lips. "You'll be ninjas on a journey..... You will watch over a very important person" lord hokage said.

"Really who is it?! I want to know!" Naruto said in anticipation.

"Bring him in!" The hokage ordered as a rather drunk looking man walked inside.

He squinted a bit and scrunched his nose. "What the?" He withdrew the curse word he wanted to release as he was in front of a kage. " A bunch of snot nose kids?........ And you the blonde kid with the idiotic look in his face! Do you really think I can Believe you're a ninja?" He pointed at Naruto as he growled lowly.

"I'm gonna demolish you!" Naruto said but Kakashi held his jacket.

The man then turned to look at Chidori. His eyes widening slightly before reverting to the original scowl. "And you with the wolf ears! What are you? Some kind of freak? You expect me to Believe in you? I still can't believe something like you actually exists! "He pointed at Chidori as she shrink in shame. "And don't even think of copying your sensei! You will still look the same!"

Kakashi sighed as he could sense a bit more trouble with this man. He rubbed Chidori's head, "Let us peck up and meet at the village's entrance."

They walked back in silence. Kakashi giving an occasional pat on the back or rub on the shoulder as he noticed the quietness of his daughter.

"You don't have to worry about him." Kakashi said. "Believe me, there are worse people out there." He assured as he noticed a group of kids in front of their home. "I think you've got company."

Kalashi walked into their home to pack up and get ready as Chidori waved at Tenten, Lee, Neji and Ki. They gave a smile towards her.

"heard about the mission." Neji spoke. "Good luck, kid." He ruffled her hair as she giggled.

"Yeah, good luck on your first C ranked!" TenTen cheered. "Hope you actually enjoy!"

Ki, a black haired girl with dark eyes and cat like features, chuckled and also ruffled the wolf's hair. "Good Luck, pup. Don't enjoy too much as it might ruin the mission." She said in her rather deep feminine voice.

Lee have her a tight hug as he dramatically had tears falling from his face. "Stay safe! I would not like it if you earned even a single scratch!" He said as Ki cringed.

"Don't kill the pup, will ya Lee?" She separated them. "You're already killing the princess before she even gets on her first out of the village mission!" She scolded as he looked own on the sweet girl in front on her. She may be a wolf but that never stopped her from caring, even is she was a black panther.

"Chidori! Let's go!" Kakashi waved as he handed her her stuff and they waved off, getting ready for the up coming events.

They walked in silence as they watched their surroundings. Taking in the beauty of nature and so far loving the experience.

Chidori loved the out door as she used ti travel a lot but her moment was taken when she heard something. Her ears flicked a bit before she pushed Tazuna aside and was caught with chains.

It tightly pulled on her until it finally went through, successfully slicing her into pieces.

Everyone gasped as two ninja's came out and targeted Tazuna. Sakura blocked him and was backed up by Sasuke.

Naruto froze as Chidori, who had used substitution, and Kakashi quickly fought the other ninja that targeted Naruto.

The fight was quick but Naruto and Chidori ended up getting scratched, but was aided by Chidori's ability to do medical ninjutsu. It was not long until they found out that they were not in a C ranked but an A ranked mission.

However, it did not stop them from continuing it as they want to become the best there is.

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