Chapter thirty

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I sat in the dining room with Gai sensei and Kakashi sensei. We were eating something that Gai sensei made, which would be nutritious.

Gai sensei and I moved in to Kakashi sensei's house because He hasn't been taking care of himself very well. Gai sensei was rather worried.

We ate quietly in the dining area. Kakashi sensei just watched us, not even taking a bite.

"Kakashi you have to-"

The doors burst open to reveal a lady with red hair and in a hospital gown. She looked scared and tired. Her bright blue eyes wandered around the room. She was soaking wet from the rain.

Her eyes landed on Kakashi sensei. Kakashi sensei gasped at the sight of her and stood up abruptly. He seemed to be at a loss of words.


"Kakashi!" She exclaimed as she got closer to him. Kakashi sensei was the one who ran up to her and hugged her tightly despite the fact that she was as damp as a baby's used diaper.

She was nearly crying. Kakashi was as well but he kept it within himself. He wanted to be strong for her.

Third P.O.V.

Kakashi had sucked up all the tears he could but it still didn't stop him from crying. It wasn't just the happiness of seeing her finally awake but the memories of all his mistakes on her were all coming back.

In that moment he forgot about Chidori.

"Kitsune... you're awake..." was was he managed to say. He missed her so much. He loved her so much as well. Just then it hit him.

How was he going to say that Chidori had gone missing? Maybe even dead?

He shook his head. It was too early to think of that. He couldn't just say it to her right away. And plus. He won't give up hope easily.


"That's it!" Gai roared. He was done. Done with Lee's attitude. He got him to his feet and glared at him. Yes he was hurting from the Problem but he couldn't just be a depressed piece of meat until she was found. He had to get going and do his best at making the best out of everyday. Problem or no problem, he had to keep going. "Go home! Your attitude is getting on my nerves!" He signaled TenTen to bring him home while he abs Neji would keep training.

She nodded and brought him to his house. They walked through the streets as he continued to look depressed. It wasn't fun with him like this.

"Let it go will ya?" Tenten snapped, making Lee stop in his tracks. He looked at her with a broken feeling. Was she giving up as well? He had been listening to the same phrases for the past few months and it was sickening. People they once hated became friends. They trusted them and now they're just the same people from the start.

They've lost hope and they were showing it off.

Lee looked at her questionably. He knew what she said. He was just hoping it wasn't what he thought those words meant. "What?" Was what came out of his mouth. It was strange for him to say something he didn't really think of but he was speechless. He didn't really understood any of this.

Tenten looked at him and sighed. As much as she cared for Chidori, she had to do something so that Lee would be able to go back to his enthusiastic-self again. "I said..." starting to get hesitant but by the look in Lee's eyes, she just had to say it. "Let it go." Firmly said TenTen.

Lee instantly looked down. He was right. She meant what he thought. She was just like the others. "I-"

"No Lee." She didn't even let him finish the first word. All she wants was for him to listen to her right now. "You have to let go... move on Lee." The sorrow in his eyes were breaking her heart and she knew how much he was hurting but she had to. "Chidori is gone."

"She's only missing!" Lee snapped at her. She was taken aback by his actions but she recovered quickly.

"Yes... for almost four months now." She sighed and looked away. As much as she trued to be gentle, Lee just seemed to make it hard. If he didn't want the slow and easy way then she'd do the fast and harsh way. "She could be dead Lee... if she wasn't then we could of found her or maybe she could of came back by now... but no she's not!" Lee looked at her with surprise. Tenten has never been that harsh to him. He didn't know how to react.

He felt sad, angry and a sick at the same time. It just made him want to puke. "Maybe she is! But that won't change anything! In fact, it might just make me feel worse!" He uttered harshly. He was doing what he thought was right. He was doing what felt good. "I love her TenTen! I love Chidori! How am I suppose to be ok when she is still lost? If she is Dead?!" Yes. He finally said it. He cared. He cared for her since the beginning. Lee didn't know it at first but he soon realized that he did have feeling for her.

Once he did realized it, he just hoped that he had realized it sooner. Maybe he could have shown more care towards her and not Sakura. Maybe he could have already confessed to her already.

Thinking of it, gave him tears. She was a great friend and maybe an even better lover. She was kind and nature loving. She had respect for all. He could remember the day they first met. She was extremely shy and he was extremely confused.

"Lee, this is Chidori Yukiko Hatake, Kakashi's daughter." Gai had told him as Kakashi pushed her towards him. She fiddled with her fingers as she wore a mask, making her mysterious like her father. She gave a small wave as she muttered out a "Nice to meet you" as Lee could only smile as Gai explained to him that he was to be her protector until she starts her training to be a ninja. If he only knew that that girl would bring him to extremes, maybe he could have acted faster.

"Lee." Tenten's voice was so stern. "We are shinobi." They hated this statement. Yes they were shinobi that defended the land but... "and we shouldn't make anything personal... no matter what." Every Ninja hated that. They were people too. They also get hurt. They also needed time to feel weak and just pour everything out. They were human too. "So let it go." Her voice finally relaxing.

Lee just kept his gaze at the floor. Tears already dripping. She was right but it just hurt so much. Why did he have to endure it? Why was it so impossible for him to just get Chidori? Why was this love for her felt stupidly worthless?

"I-I... don't have anyone else..." his voice cracked. "She was the only one that truly cared for me... she loved me." Why didn't he see it before? Why didn't he act on it? Now he was suffering the consequences of being slow. One of the fastest ninjas... was actually a slow mover.

TenTen shook her head and lifted his chin. She kissed him passionately. It was long and Lee soon gave it back. "I Love You Lee..." she said. Her eyes went from happy to a seemingly jealous expression. "I know you love her but there is a big possibility that se may never come back... you may have never seen it... but I loved you from the beginning..." She was doing what she always wanted to do. Get Lee. Rip him away from his relationship with Chidori just so tat his suffering would be over. "But I'm here Lee.... and I Love you... I will never leave you."

Lee sighed. She was there and not Chidori. She was there when Chidori left to make herself stronger. She was there when Lee had gotten away from Kakashi's fatherly rage. She was there when Lee was left with a horrible guilt feeling that consumed him while Kakashi kept him away from Chidori's sleeping body. She was there when Chidori never was.

Then suddenly everything felt right. Everything felt better. He had forgotten that feeling with Chidori. He had erased her from his memories. It didn't feel wrong because he had one thing in mind.

Chidori was no more.

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