Chapter thirty one

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Hello there my loves! I hope you have a good day and a beautiful life! Enjoy the chappy.

Days passed like nothing was wrong. Everything felt perfect. There was complete peace. For the first time in Kakashi's recent years, he was at peace. He felt whole again.

They enjoyed everything they did for every second that passed felt like paradise. They enjoyed everything.

It felt like they're younger years. When they first met and how they became teammates was just like yesterday.

There was a grand entrance and everyone went to see what it was. Kakashi, not knowing a thing, was in the middle of it and ended up bumping into a taller figure. He looked up to see a raven haired man with spiced brown eyes, he wore all white. He smiled beneficently at him. A woman, with bright blue eyes and the same raven hair, gave him a wave. She had wolf features and so were the other ninjas with her. Behind her was a young girl bright red hair, shyly hiding. The male sibling, on the other hand, gave him a glare. He walked up to him.

"How dare you bump into my father! The king!" He said harshly but Kakashi couldn't care less. He hated it when kids boast about their fathers being so good. He didn't have a dad, anymore. The father placed a hand on his son and gave him a scolding look. As if saying to him mentally to be polite and not boast.

Kakashi knew better than to start a fight with, what seems to be, leaders of another village. They were certainly a village he hadn't heard of. Animalistic features was enough to give away the fact that they were much stronger than his village. So Kakashi just tried to be as kind as possible. "Sorry, your majesties." He said bowing slightly.

"You better be!" The boy exclaimed. He, knowing that he had lowered his guard, pushed Kakashi and made him fall on his butt. He looked up at him with shock but said nothing. "You should of bowed down more!"

The shy little girl ran up to her brother and blocked him from doing anymore damage. She looked at him angrily making him back off. She was never like that. "Stop it! We are here to make an official peace treaty and sign an alliance with their village!" She at him as their father held him by his shoulder and gave him a good scolding.

It didn't really matter to kakashi what he said for he was stuck staring at the kindhearted girl. She was indeed pretty even with those wolf features. Those bright eyes just caught him off guard. If he were to get a fight with her he knew he'd lose to those eyes.

He snapped out of his thoughts when the girl gave a helping hand. He gladly took it, feeling the softness of her hands. He gave a smile,which he thought she didn't see.

"Hello." She said shyly. The girl was just inches shorted than him and had to look up in order to meet his eyes. "Sorry for my brother."

Kakashi chuckled lightly. These were the kind of people he got along with. People who were selfless and humble. He loved it when they didn't talk about theirselves. He liked her kindness and he wanted to see how humble she is. "No it's my fault your highness."

The girl shook her head. As they walked passed him, he could smell the sweet strawberries of her hair. She soon faded from sight and kakashi just went back to his normal day.

Little did he know she would be the girl he would be chasing after. The girl he would love and have a family with.

Everything was as perfect as the day they got married. Until the day came when he had to explain to her.

"When is Chidori coming back?" Kitsune asked suddenly. They were eating their dinner, alone. In a very romantic way. Kakashi nearly choked on his drink. He looked at her in her beautiful electric blue eyes. She looked so innocent and sweet. She didn't know a thing.

"Chidori?" Ke repeated her name. He hid his sadness and gave out a confused tone instead. He knew this was coming but he didn't really prepare for it. He watched as Kitsune smiled. She didn't know. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." He tried so hard to hide the sadness but knowing Kitsune, she'll soon find out.

And now was that soon. She saw a hit of sadness and when Kakashi found out. Tears steamed down his cheeks. He was at a loss of words. He didn't know how to tell her that their daughter might be dead somewhere because of him.

"What happened?" She asked, as if knowing that something wrong happened. "Is Chidori ok?"

Kakashi shook his head slowly. He didn't think of it but the words just care out of his mouth automatically. "I-I don't know..." he answered shakily. He really wasn't sure. He didn't know whatever happened to his daughter.

Kitsune could tell that something happened and it could be the death of her daughter. She could see the guilt in Kakashi's eyes. She could see everything he had endured during those frightening moments before Chidori was lost.

"Kakashi." She said faintly. Kitsune held his hand and smiled reassuringly. "we will find her." She stood up and gave her husband a tight hug.

"Nothing bad will come to her."

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