Chapter twenty

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Its been a year since sasuke left and chidori has been feeling depressed about it.

Chidori and Lee were in a training ground training, as usual.

"Chidori chan! I'll be trained with pervy sage! Wanna join me and get a lot stronger?" Naruto asked excitedly making Chidori and Lee  stop hitting their dummies. Chidori gave him a sweet smile. She'd love to but... what about kakashi and Lee?

"When we get stronger we can find sasuke!" He said with a smirk. She smiled weakly. "Thanks naruto kun but..... I don't think 'pervy sage' would like me" she answered then started to hit the dummy again. "I might just make things harder..."

"You're not even sure who I am and you think I won't like you?.... bad" a voice from behind said. She stopped once again and turned around to see a weird looking man smiling cheekily.

She gave a small smile. "I don't know....... But you look kinda familiar" she said. "Chidori hatake.....nice to meet ya!" She stuck her hand out wanting to shake his. He gladly took it.

The man placed his hand on his chin, as if thinking. "Chidori..... Hatake...... Oh! You're kakashi's daighter! The copy kitten!" He exclaimed.

She doesn't like being called copy kitten just because her dad is branded the copy cat.

She's a wolf not a feline.

He went beside her and crossed his arm. "She's not a cat..... She's a wolf..... So don't call her 'copy kitten'....." Lee said putting a hand on her shoulder.

Naruto broke the silence, clearly impatient. "So..... Are you joining?" Naruto asked. She wanted and didn't want at the same time. She want's to bring Sasuke back but... she doesn't want to leave her family.

"You should join sweetheart"

They all looked to their right to see Kakashi standing there with a smile. "But daddy..... I don't really like to" she muttered taking a glance at the perverted man.

"Yeah chidori chan!" Naruto agreed.

She looked at naruto then at Lee.

Lee looked sad and had that 'don't do it' face. She frowned and turned back at Kakashi. "I don't want to" she repeated. Giving lee a small

Kakashi sighed. He didn't want her to go either but she also had to control herself and she had to learn more. She was his baby but he understood that she's growing up and she needs to learn more.

"You said you wanted to find sasuke again..... So why not? It's not that I'm forcing you but..... I think it's best if you join them in their training" he insisted. Chidori smiled knowing she has no choice.

She looked down and said "I'll think of it..... But now I'll just continue my training." She went back to hitting the dummy and just started to completely try to kill it due to her frustration.

Lee agreed to walk chidori home right after a day of training.

"So..... Are you going?" He suddenly asked. They stopped right in front of her house.

"Why are you asking?" She asked, clearly confused about the sudden seriousness.

"Just answer me" he said seriously. His brows knitted together.

She didn't like it when he's being serious like this. "I think yes...... I want my teammate back..... I miss sasuke" she finally said.

Lee sighed and rubbed his eyes in frustration. "Why?...... Why do you want him back?..... I know his your teammate and all but he left you..... He betrayed the village" he snarled.

Chidori stepped back. She crossed her arms and glared at him. "I don't understand.... What's so wrong about trying to find sasuke?.... Lee you haven't been yourself lately" she eyed him suspiciously. He continued to look at her aggressively. "Lee please just tell me what's wrong"

"What's wrong?! Don't you get it?! Chidori I don't want you to leave! I don't want to lose my best friend!" He yelled. Most of this was true but the real reason was that he wants her to be with him. He wants her to be HIS one and only.

Chidori didn't like his attitude one bit. "I'm not going to die there! I'm just leaving so I could get stronger! So I can finally control myself and people will stop fearing me! So I can finally be normal!" She yelled back as some tears went down.

"I don't want you to leave! I don't want you to change! I don't want you to fa-

"What's going on here?" Kakashi asked peeking though the door. "Is there something wrong?"

"Kakashi sensei..... I-...its...... I can explain..... " Lee started. Kakashi was interested in what Lee was going to say. He went out of the house and crossed his arms.

"I don't want chidori to leave...... I.... I'm Ju-"

"LEE?! WHY ARE YOU MAKING MY RIVAL'S LITTLE PRINCESS CRY?!" Gai asked furiously bursting through the door.

"Gai sensei..... I-"


Lee fell to the ground when Gai hit him. It was the first time Gai hit him this hard.

He got up slowly and nodded then ran to their house as tears ran down his face.

"Chidori I'm sorry for Lee's unruliness..... I'll talk to him later..." Gai sighed frustratedly.

"Come on sweetheart..... Let's get you cleaned up shall we?" Kakashi said sweetly. He knew it was wrong to just ignore the dact that Gai just did that to lee but what was he suppose to do? Team up with the kid who was yelling at his daughter?

It was chidori's final day.... It was her last time to change her mind, she wanted to stay but knowing Lee might still be mad at her so she decided to join Naruto.

"Bye Naruto! Bye chidori!" Kiba shouted happily. Eveyone was there to say goodbye.

"Hey! If you do find sasuke..... Try your best to bring him back ok?" Ino winked at chidori. The two started to become good friends and had actually started to hang out.

Everyone except for Lee was giving them good byes. Lee was just there leaning on a wall looking at chidori sadly.

Sakura walked closer to Chidori, who smiled happily at her. She gave her a glare and crossed her arms. "Hey chidori...... You know very well that sasuke kun is mine.... So if you see him back away... Don't beg him.... Don't you ever tell him that 'you' want him back got it?  Tell him that 'I' want him back!" Sakura said pointing/ pressing chidori's shoulder. She nodded and walked to Kakashi.

"Daddy I'm going to miss you" she smiled sadly. He gave her a hug and whispered " how about you say goodbye to your friend over there".

She nodded and walked over to Lee.

"Lee..... I know you are mad at me..... I know you might not want to see me but.... I am going to miss my friend.... My bestest friend ever!" She said then suddenly kiss him in the lips.

When she pulled away she smiled sadly then ran up to Naruto and Jiraya

She gave her final wave and then left the village. She wasn't going to see them for three freaking years.

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