Chatper fouteen

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they were soon out and Sasuke Chidori and the others were given enough time to rest due to the many more fights they had fought.

She may be in pain yet she was still happy to know that the group was getting closer and closer.

It made her happy to know that they will soon bloom into great ninjas one day.

She trained hard for this. She did her best as she wanted so badly to make her father proud. Once again, she had managed to greatly damage the second tree with at least four to five hits before panting and feeling the tensed muscles.

"Gee I thought you were a tree hugger... not a tree killer..." a voice made her turn around. She saw the three sand siblings walking towards her. "If only trees would grow in our place... I would be hugging them and not killing them." Joked the blonde.

She giggled as she shook her head before hopping towards the two bamboos that were placed onto two rocks, almost like an unfinished bridge. She landed on it with her hands and just tried to keep her balance since she was not as skilled as lee when it came to these things.

"You're really working that hard huh?" Kankuro asked as she gave a small hum and balanced herself on one hand, trying to prevent the bamboo from rolling off the rock. "Doubt Gaara would do that.... not unless you tell him to." He gave a smirk towards his reddening brother.

He knew it was dangerous to tease his brother but in front of Chidori, Gaara was harmless, well more of restrained. She had seemed to be able to keep his beast tamed. He was someone different in front of her; someone normal.

Chidori giggled and hopped off the bamboo and landed in front of them. Gaara gave a small soft smile at her as she giggled cutely.

"Good luck."

The day had came and they remaining few were left to nervously wait for their match to come. Surprisingly, Chidori's came quicker than she expected.

"This will be a three way battle due to the odd number!"

"Chidori Yukiko Hatake!" The man announced as a couple of cheers came.

"Good luck Princess Chidori!" Lee cheered enthusiastically as Sakura just scowled at it.

His words made the girl blush but she was not able to take in the moment as another name came up.

"Rock Lee!" Her world stopped for a moment as fear came up to her yet it was soon shaken off by the thought of fighting together.

Lee too had the same thought and the red haired sand shinobi guessed the same, having a small conversation with his beast.

"And Gaara Sabaku!"

Now all three tensed up. This was a battle between friends and Chidori was in the middle of it all. Her heart stopped as she felt the gaze of both males in both sides of her.

Both wished for her to side with them but dreaded the answer she would make. Was she to team up with her bestest friend or with the friend she had deep feelings for?

As she hopped into the arena while the two followed, she looked at her father for help, maybe just a bit of advice would help.

She knew she could always trust her father for great advice as he seemed like a dazed genius. He might look like a slack but he was just something different.

Kakashi knew about her connection with the two and had also found it difficult to choose. His rival also thinking, slowly getting a headache at the sight of the three.

"Choose one or fight both... it is up to you."

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