Filler: Chidori and Lee

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Just a reminder, this is a filler chapter which means that this does not connect to any of the other chapters or storyline. It is made purely for your entertainment and a break from the story's plot

"This is Chidori." Kakashi said as he pushed the little girl towards Gai's student. Her white ears hung lowly as her tail was stuck between her legs as she seemed to be nervous.

The young student looked at the younger person in front of him. She looked similar to his own teammate, except that this one was a white wolf, his teammate was a black panther.

The little girl's eyes were bright blue and just popped out from her almost white complexion.

Lee found it intriguing as she looked almost divinely; Goddess-like. The child in front of him seemed to be studying his features as she looked at him and his uniform.

"This is my student, Rock Lee." Gai said softly, something Lee has never actually heard. He was use to the his loud, expressive and commanding personality. "He will be here to watch over you and help you around the village." He explained, kneeling down to her height and giving her a pat on the head.

Kakashi smiled down at his daughter. He hoped that this might help, after everything that had happened, he hopped to help her go on with her life. Try living a normal life once more.

"Lee, watch over her ok?" Kakashi said softly before he and Gai got ready to leave. Little Chidori held onto Kakashi's pant leg. Her eyes begging for him to stay. Kakashi sighed. "Lee will be with you... Daddy's going to be doing something important." He removed her hand and they left.

She just watched the two people she knew leave her with some stranger.

"Hello!" Lee smiled, his voice making her jump. She looked at him then to the ground.

"H-hi." Was the only thing she said.

Lee slightly tilted his head. He did not know how to handle such quiet and shy people. Neji was quiet but she was different. "How about a tour around the village?" The gurl only shrugged. He gave her a bright smile and took her hand.

They looked around the place, enjoyed everything that the young girl found amusing. Lee, although loud and energetic, was fun to be with. He was a gentleman. He was indeed gentle. He respected her almost like she was a princess, which she was actually.

He gave her his infinite attention and protection. He wanted her to feel close to him, as told by Gai. He was told about what had happened and Gai wanted him to be her protector, Her guardian while Kakashi and he would be on missions.

She was unique. Her snow white hair and pale skin, bright blue eyes and masked face was not really usual in the village but he had guessed that it was a usual in their village.

They were walking home, the sun set was visible in their direction, giving them an aesthetically pleasing surrounding. They walked in silence, side by side but not really touching each other.

"Thank you, Rock Lee." Her soft quiet voice spoke. She turned to see him staring at her. She only smiled at him then turned to see her father and Gai standing right outside the house, waiting for them.

Rock Lee looked back at her. "You are welcome, Princess."

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