Chapter twenty five

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After three years Naruto came back and everyone was waiting for them including Gaara , who came to the village once he found out that they were going home.

"Hey! I see them!" Tenten jumped excitedly as two figures could be seen.

Lee and gaara's hearts were racing in excitement but soon felt horrible when they saw it was only Naruto and jiraya.

"Where's chidori?" Choji asked, hoping to see her.

Naruto looked at everyone. He looled at them sadly. "Oh.... she'll be here by .... hmm...... next month I guess.... she said she wanted to go training some more before going back" Naruto explained. Most of them frowned.

"Anyway since he is here how about we drink up?" Tsunade smiled, trying to forget the awkwardness.

Everyone agreed then headed to icharaku's noodles.

"So.... I heard that you like chidori ?" Tsunade asked Gaara who was drinking with them. Gaara glared at her and nodded "she's my one and only"

"She was his first and only friend" Kankuro smirked along with tamari.everyone smiled and looked at Gaara.

Neji chuckled darkly. " are you sure?..... Lee here has been day dreaming about her! He couldn't even train without Kakashi giving him a pep talk about chidori coming back and that you'll need to keep training in Order to catch up with her!" He laughed.

Most of them laughed.

"Just for your *hick* information! *hick* Kakashi sensei did not say that!...... *hick* she's not to be made fun of! She's my best friend" Lee grumbled.

"*cough* girlfriend*cough*" kankuro smiled as they laughed.

"Chidori Lee! Chidori Lee!" Naruto , choji, shikamaru and kiba chanted.

"Shut up..... you have no right to say such thing to Chidori..... can't you give her some respect?" Gaara said.

"Why are you being so serious? Are you jealous? You want chidori to be yours don't you?...... Mrs. Chidori Sabaku! Hahahahaha!" Shikamaru laughed.

That was it.

Gaara stood up and glared at all of them. "You're lucky you're chidori's friends....." he said them walked away.

Sakura pov

Why is it all about her?! When will they talk about me? Did anyone even miss ME when I left for three years?!

Gaara stomped away. I looked at kankuro and tamari who were smirking.

I took another glass filled with alcohol and drank it. I looked around and saw that Kakashi sensei wasn't here.

"Why is it that you guys always talk about chidori?" I growled.

"Huh? You're asking why?..... don't you see?" Kiba asked.

"No I don't! I don't see what's so nice about her!" I said.

"I don't know with you but she's really dreamy...." choji smiled.

"Yeah she's sweet and caring" shikamaru said. As some agreed.

"And she's pretty" added shino. He gave a small smile.

"And she's really really helpful" ino giggled happily.

Even ino?!

"I thought you hated her" I glared at her. I can't believe even Ino!

"She's actually very nice..... one time she saw us doing a misdion and I think it was your day off but then she still helped us anyway..." she explained. "She's been helping us even before the chunin exams.

"Why is it always about her?! Don't you see she's selfish? You dont know anything compared to what I experienced with her!" I yelled. Everyone became quiet and stared at me weirdly.

"Sakura..... will you get over what you saw on the bridge? It was a tough time ok..... that's why she lost it" tsunade rolled her eyes.

"You know?" I asked. How could she know?

"I'm the hokage of course I would know" she answered bluntly as Haku raised his hand and said, "we told her every single detail... she needed a bucket..."

Everyone shivered at the remembrance. "Yeah we all know what happened yet we all got over it..... will you just let go?" Naruto asked. I stood up and shook my head.

"I'll never let it go!" I shouted then left.

This isn't fair at all!

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