Chapter 43

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Chidori's state was worrisome as she had been in the hospital for almost a month while Kitsune and Kakashi were cleared a week after Gai's first visit.

A month and Chidori was still asleep. They had feared that she might have fallen into the same state her mother was in before. It worried everyone despite the doctor saying that she would wake up sooner.

They took night shifts at the hospital just for the sake of watching over Chidori. They didn't want anything bad happening to her after that attack. He was one guy, imagine if they teamed up. Imagine if they broke into her hospital room and took her at night? And no one was there to help her or stop them.

They wanted to protect their princess as she was indeed the heir to the thrown.

"So, why is Chidori the heir to the thrown again? Isn't it Chitauri?" Sai asked as he, Chitauri and Rasengan sat at the couch. It was supposedly Sai's turn to watch over Chidori but the two decided to join him.

Rasengan shook his head. "It was suppose to be Mom that was the Yamikage as she is the Nine tails but due to her accident, uncle Katori was the one who took charge. So, the next reign will be Chidori, if mom doesn't choose to take the position." He explained, taking his seat at the foot of his sister's bed. He looked at the two males in front of him.

"Then what about the born tailed beast thing? Is it different compared to the ones needing a vessel?" Sai was scribbling down notes underneath a sketch of Chidori.he had done this to everyone he had met so far and Chidori was the last person as for now.

"Yes, its a whole different thing compared to Naruto and Gaara's tailed beast." Chitauri answered, his eyes looking at the window to see the view. "There is a whole different line for this one... it may also be the never ending line. Its's not a bloodline of anything, people are just randomly born as one. For now, Chidori is the latest."

"Can they be the same animal?"

"Technically yes, but there would be changes, well besides the tail number." Rasengan gave out little hand gestures. "Why are you so interested anyway?"

Sai looked up, thought for a moment before giving a smile. "Because I find her rather attracting." There was a pause of silence as they stared at Sai for a moment, letting the words sink in.

"I think you need to rest... we'll watch over her." Chitauri said in a joking manner as Sai only smiled at them.


"How is she?" Ki asked Rasengan as they both walked through the almost finished area. They had been seeing each other very often, almost too often.

"She's fine... still sound asleep." He smiled at the girl he deeply admired. She had watched over his little sister while he was gone. She was the one that helped her through all her struggles and he was thankful for all that she had done. "I never really got to thank you for all that you have done for Chidori."

Ki only laughed and waved him off. "She's a sister to me... a sweet puppy."


"A pup." She giggled and hugged his arm as they continued to walk, only to stop at the sight of Lee facing Gaara. Ki rolled her eyes, knowing that if she didn't interfere, things might just get messy. "There we go again with defensive Lee."

"Defensive Lee?" Rasengan laughed lightly, he called out for the two and smiled at them. "Gaara! Lee! Nice to see the two of you together!" He waved as he walked there, leaving Ki to watch at a distance.

"Rasengan?" Gaara's eyes widened at the sight of the said man. "You're alive!"

"Yes I am, aren't you happy? Or is it that you preferred that I'd be dead?" He joked lightly. "So you could hoard Chidori to yourself." He wiggled his brows teasingly.

Gaara blushed and looked away. "You're still mean as always." He huffed, then gave a smile at Ki who slowly walked towards them. "Nice to see you, Ki."

"Sup, Pan-Pan."

Lee, silently huffed, glaring at the Kazegake. He didn't want to see him here, especially when he knew why he was there. He might have a girlfriend, but now that he knew Chidori was alive, things were getting messed up. He wanted to run back to her and just be hers, but he couldn't let go of TenTen either.

"I know why you're here." Rasengan smiled. He placed a hand around Gaara and led him to the Hospital and into Chidori's room.

"So." Rasengan started. "You like my sister?" He wiggled his brows as Gaara blushed deeply.

Gaara looked at Chidori. He was filled with a lot of emotions. Emotions he didn't expect to manifest all because of one person.

"Y-yes." Gaara examined Chidori. He watched her and just fell in love even in her beaten up state. "I love her."


Helloooo! I'M NOT DEAD
I'm backkkk. Hahahah I'm so so so so SORRY for the super long wait!

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