Chapter thirty eight

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Naruto and Chidori were on a rampage. They were both after the small figure of Pein, damaging Konoha more as they went on.

Nobody could blame them but if this keeps up, the village might become beyond repairable.

Kitsune stood there, her red wolf ear hung lowly as she tried to think of a way to stop them. This was the nine tails and the twelve tails she was up against. Don't think it was going to be easy to take on both. So she thought of trying to calm down her daughter first.

She inhaled and transformed into her own tailed beast. She was a fiery red wolf with nine flaming hot tails. She was hot.

"Damn... is that Ms. Kitsune?" Shikamaru asked.

Gai could only watch as he remembered the very first time they experienced her transform. That was when they were but teens. He felt the nostalgic feeling as he, along with the others, watched her pull on the tail of the snowy white wolf. Gai could only make out one word: "yes."

"Kakashi Sensei is really lucky to have a wife like her... she's hot... literally." Choji commented.

"That's my sister."

It was a bonfire. A simple bonfire with a couple of logs surrounding it like seats. It confused Kakashi but he sat down anyway.

He hoped to be right. He hoped that he'll really see the one guy he wanted to see for a while.

"Hey kiddo." A familiar voice called, making Kakashi look up and smile. He felt a warm feeling that he hadn't felt in a while. He missed his father. So much.

The older looking version of himself sat down as he greeted, "Hey Dad." He didn't really know what to say. Should he start up a normal conversation or should he immediately ask where he was or if this was all real.

"I'm immediately going to say that this is not a dream." His father chuckled at his silence. "And yes... You're dead."

Kakashi's eyes snapped up to look at his old man in shock. No. This can't be happening. Not now at least. He suddenly felt pain in his chest. He couldn't leave just yet... not while Kitsune and the others were in battle. Not while he still had hope that his daughter was alive.

"N-no." He whispered as his hand gripped tightly on his chest. He looked down on the ground, thoughts running through his head that he didn't even notice the tears that started to fall. "I-I can't be dead... it's too early..." the pain was too much for him as he just started to sob. "What will happen to my family?"

His father only looked down sadly, "The same question came to me when I passed... I'm sorry for everything, Kakashi." He patted his son's back as the man continued to sob through his hands.

"I-I can't leave her... I can't leave them..." Kakashi breathed heavily as he pulled down his mask for he had a hard time breathing. "I can't die without even seeing my daughter again."

His father nodded, feeling the tears well up as well. He too felt the same pain before. He too felt the same guilt. The same wish to see his family once more.

He pulled his son into a hug so he wouldn't see his tearing eyes, "I'm sorry, Kakashi. I'm sorry that you have to go through a life without even a single parent.... I'm sorry that you had to learn how to take care for a child through someone else and not from me... I'm sorry for never being there..." He pulled away and looked at his son and smiled, "Yet you've become a better man compared to me... You were able to bring up your child nicely... see her bloom into a beautiful fighter like your wife... I'm sorry you had to.... I'm sorry that you left without even a good bye."

Kakashi just gave him another tight hug and sobbed in his shoulder. He felt devastated as he had left his wife to fend for herself and his daughter who could be confused and afraid wherever she was.

"I... I love you dad."

Kitsune grabbed the snowy white wolf and tackled it to the ground, her tails trying to hold the white wolf's tail. She growled as the wolf's once blue eyes were now blood red.

It worried her but she still tried to connect with her daughter. She still tried to help her.

"Calm down, sweetheart."

Hello! I'm not dead just yet but school is slowly killing me😅. I'm really sorry for the long waits as I try to fix certain things in the story. I might actually make another improved story about this, but I'm not really sure when... please forgive me if it is getting rather boring since I'm kinda shifting to a new interest... but I promise to finish this book!

I really love you all and thank you for all your support! See you soon!

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