Chapter ten

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The day started off as a nice sunny day. The bridge was nearly finished and it excited them since they could get back home and rest properly.

But it all changed when Zabuza and his side kick, Haku, came into the scene and everything went wild.

Kakashi fought swiftly against Zabuza as he now knew a few tricks and points he could hit, thanks to Chidori's quick eyes.

He huffed slightly as he tried to see through the familiar mist. Just as he hoped that his squad was alright, a loud roar came from where they were.

"Shit." Kakashi hissed as he knew that roar was a rather familiar one. One that he would never really forget.

There was a small rumble of laughter as Kakashi darted everywhere.

"Is that one of her hidden powers?" The low voice rumbled. "She can't control it yet, can she?"

Kakashi sighed and brought out a scroll, "sorry but I think I'll have to end out fight here... seems like its not only Chidori who is out."

His uncouncious body made her heart pound. She has seen multiple dead bodies but the thought that she failed to help him made her think. The fact that she was careless enough to only break Haku's ice dome and not think of the two's safety made her mad.

She replicated his jutsu but it still ended up with Sasuke badly hurt. Her blood boiled to know that she had once again failed to help them out.

As Naruto sided her and had almost the same thoughts, Sakura mourned at the sight of Sasuke. Her cries made something in Chidori tick. Like a switch being turned on.

She faced the medical ninja. He had his mask on as he only went into a fighting stance. If Chidori could see his face, maybe she could have controlled the urge but it was masked and it reminded her of those heartless ninja's back then.

She growled loudly as it too se Naruto to his limits. They stared at the ninja in front and pounced at him as he got ready for a harder fight.

It started like a beautiful dream then it instantly became a horrible nightmare. Her world had turned upside down as the once peaceful village was in chaos.

Her heart pumped rapidly as a nearing masked ninja came to her, ready to attack. Only his one eye was seen but it held no emotion. Like as if the person were already dead.

But before she could even hope to end up in Heaven, her mother had came in and shielded her.

She defended her and fought for her. With every ninja that tried to get to Chidori, it was as if Kitsune would get stronger.

But of course even the strongest gets a moment of weakness. Unfortunately, the enemy managed to use that against her.

He was quick. His purple eyes switching from the mother to the child as he physically attacked her. His attacks were more on hand to hand as he would kick and punch her in every spot he knew could be a weak one.

Chidori cried her out to her mother as she only looked at her with with the bright blue eyes of hers and gave a small reassuring smile.


And just as the words came out, it started to become a blur. Everything dissolved as she came back to reality.

She collapsed to the ground as a heavy metal weighed her head down. She coughed up blood as she grasped at the metal around her neck. It made her cringe as she know what had happen and she hated it.

She looked up to see Sakura leaned against the bridge, utter fear in her eyes. She held a kunai and had some blood on her outfit.

Chidori squinted slightly before wincing at the pain on her side. She had a couple of cuts but there was a visible gash on her side. The chain that was attacked to the metal collar was tugged on as she felt a hand on her hair.

Kakashi was rubbing her head like a dog as she shushed her. He kneeled beside her and hugged her tightly.

"Chidori..." He spoke as he rubbed her back and head. "Its ok... everything is ok..."

Her eyes fixated itself to the two figures. It was Sasuke and Tazuna. On the other side was Haku's body on the ground with blood around it.

She tensed up at the sight of his body and the wounded body of Zabuza, who looked down on the body in the middle of the blood pool. Kakashi's hug tightened as he assured her that everything was alright.

She tried to recall what had happened but all she could remember was someone's voice.

"I know that look." It said. "That is the look of pain and fear and I am sorry if I had caused it but I am only fighting to keep the person I hold dear alive. " She was not sure if it were the exact words but it seemed those were the ones that had stuck to her. "I too am afraid of losing the people I care about. I too had lost someone.."

"I had lost my mother."

Chidori looked at her father with tearful eyes. She turned to look at the people around her as she felt ashamed.

Her gaze was fixed on the young dead ninja.

"He only wanted to protect the person he cared about." She muttered as she hugged her father once more but the moment was quickly broken by a mocking laughter.

So the fight was back but it was just Zabuza this time who fought. He had a kunai in his mouth as he swiftly killed most of the real enemy's men.

Gatso was blood boiling and Chidori just wanted to do something about it. She ran up the the man who just laughed at the sight of her, commenting that if she was a mutated pet.

She used the chains and wrapped it around the man and pulled him towards the body of Haku. Chidori glared at the man as she placed her hands on both of their chests.

"You have given these two a miserable life." She said to him as her hands began to glow a minty color. "How about we exchange your life for his?" With a bright flash, Gatso's body fell to the ground as Haku gasped for air.

The people around them looked at her in astonishment and fear. The remaining men of Gatso fled as Chidori looked at her father sadly, taking a step before embracing the darkness of slumber.

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