Chapter forty

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Naruto and Chidori had done it again. They have saved Konoha and was already heading back to the damaged place. In hopes that what that man had said was true.

They smiled at each other and joked around like old times at the stumbled towards the village.

"You're really back." Naruto smiled down softly at the young girl beside him. Someone he had grown to care for deeply. He did not like her the way he liked other girls. No, he wasn't romantically attracted to her. He just saw her as family now.

She was his first friend. The first person who actually showed kindness. He might have been very young then but he would never forget the first time they have met. It was only now that he realized that that little girl was her.

"Y-You s-stay away from him!" Ordered nervously a little girl as she walked up to him, beside her was a red haired boy with brown eyes. He was a bit older than her yet he followed her around as she ran up to the group of other kids. "Say sorry! H-he didn't do anything wrong!" She squeaked as the boys laughed.

One kicked the little blond boy again as the other pushed her down, a daring smile on his face. Almost as if he was proud he had pushed a girl.

"What are you going to do, freak?" He mocked as he grabbed the collar of her white dress and threw her down to the ground once more. Her big blue eyes becoming watery.

"Aww the freak's about to cry!" Laughed one.

"Its disgusting!" The other howled but before anything else could happen the red haired boy had kicked of the the boys in the face and kneed the other to the ground.

He kicked one of the fallen boys again as a sign of warning. He glared at the other three as they glared back.

"Hurt her and you'll get hurt more." He growled as the three launched at him. He was not yet a ninja in training and was merely a middle school kid. They were the same age so there was no unfairness, besides the number.

He punched one of the kids and gave a hard side kick at one that was about to hit next. The last boy stood in fear as he glared at him.

He immediately took off as the other followed. He turned to the little white haired wolf girl and the blond boy. He helped them up and brought out a first aid kit in his bag.

"Mom is going to kill me..." he sighed as he dusted his sister off as she patched up the older blond.

"It's ok brother! At least you help me and..." she looked at the blond expectantly.

"Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm gonna be the next Hokage! Believe it!" He said proudly as the little girl smiled and cheered as well. Happily jumping around with the blond boy as the redhead stood at the side watching them with a small smile.

They were very young then and Naruto thought that her wolf ears and tail was just his imagination but now he knew it was all reall. Although, he was not really sure of the little red boy with them.

"We've all missed you." He smiled at her as she just smiled back. He was always reminded of kakashi whenever he saw her in that mask. However, ge had properly looked at her and had properly looked at those three scars going down her left eye. He did not want to break the moment but his curiosity was killing him. "Chidori-chan... I've been meaning to ask you something..."

She looked at him and smiled underneath that mask of hers. "Go on." She chimed as they sat by the tree, bodies aching due to the battle.

"Whatever happened... how did you get your scar?"  He pointed at her eye. She looked away, feeling her own scar.

Her ears went droopy and she stayed silent for a while. " it's a long story actually..." she sighed and looked up. "It's when our village was attacked and... when I... lost my..." she had a hard time saying it as her mind was twisting and turning from the pain and fatigue and the stress of remembering pein's face even before she moved to konoha.

"You don't have to say it now... I mean you could always tell us later... I don't mind the wait." Naruto flashed a toothy smile as he gave her a hug. "But for now, lets just enjoy the fact that you're here.... back home."

She giggled and hugged back. They soon got up from their short little rest and continued to stumble towards their village.

"I got this scar when our village was attacked." She repeated, feeling ready to actually talk about that day. "I was young then and still had not much experience to actually fight against real enemy shinobi." She explained. "One of the enemies had this three bladed thibg at the very end of his chain and threw it at me, luckily, daddy caught it before it could bring a lot of damage but it had already cut my eye..."

"And the ones in your arms?"

"The same reason... I fended myself because he has died fending me." Chidori gulped, looking down. Naruto had now a very big interest in what she was saying.

"He?" He questioned.

"My... my..." Chidori found it hard to say it out load. She looked up from the ground only to meet someone familiar face. Her eyes widened and it instantly teared up,"brother!"

She ran towards the figure and hugged it tightly, his red hair tight loosely as he smiled down on her and petted her like he always did.

"Nice to see you again... Little Sis."

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