Chapter nine

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A few days in and the three were improving, well Sakura at least.

Chidori had woken up and was now the one watching over the three as they trained. She would still have support from others when she tried to walk or do anything.

"Wah!" Naruto held his head as he fell again. Chidori and Sakura sighed as Sasuke almost had the same fate if it were not for his quick reflexes.

"You boys!" Sakura scolded.

Chidori gave a small smile. "You can take a break... you've gotten quite far." She pointed the marks on the tree. Sakura agreed slightly.

The two look at each other and shook their heads. They continued to run up the tree with all they've got.

"I swear if they hurt themselves." Saukra growled lowly as she shook her head.

"Then we will both help them." Chidori said simply. "We will be their medics when they get reckless but also their back up... we have to always be by each other's backs."

Sakura looked at Chidori for a moment. She was mean to her yet here she was still thinking of become this really close group. Sakura looked at her in adoration before it was cut off by Kakashi passing by.

He gave Chidori a kiss on the head before walking off into the forest, off to train.

Chidori looked at the place were he went. "I will just check on him." Chidori said softly as she slowly got up and walked to where her father was mercilessly attacking a big tree.

It was already filled with much damage but he continued. He removed his vest and had the former swords in his hands. He had given those to Chidori but it seemed that he was still attached to them.

Kakashi was panting and sweating as he dropped the swords and placed his hands to his knees.

"Are you ok?" He snapped up to see his daughter, all bandaged up as she still held the same worried expression.

He got up and quickly got to her, he helped her take a seat on one of the bigger roots. "You should not be pushing yourself too much." He said in a bit of worry as he too sat down. "You should actually be in the room resting."

"But someone has to take care of them while you're out."

"You don't have to worry about them... you should not even be thinging about that as I'm suppose to be the one doing so..." kakashi sighed in frustration. "I'm your father. I'm the one who will be worrying, the one who should be thinking about all of this... God I should be the one in your place... I should have been the one to fight."

Chidori hugged him. "We have to fight. We are ninja and no matter what age, what weakness or mistake, we fight for all." She muttered as they looked at the nature in front of them.

"Chichi! Look at this!" Her mother smiled at the flower crown she had made for her daughter. The brightest smile crept up on the Child's face as she hugged happily.

Kakashi stood there happily at the sight of his family. They were something special.

Absolutely sorry for the short Chapter! I just kinda wanted a Kakashi-Chidori time!

See you guys soon!

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