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      Staying to the shadows of the last eleven days i have been searching every crumbling wall, pipe, tile, and stair for anything usefull. Honesty i had no idea what i was searching for, but that lone fact and many othets kept me going. Kept me going, kept me clinging o to a strong feeling nesr my heart that was quite foreign to me. Familar words of a friend pressed to a dark place in my mind floated forward past a metal mental wall.

"I know how you like to punch first then think" a invisible force tugged at my lips, a eager twitch informed me a smile wanted to appear on my features. Haley Mast, my friend. Other memories of her teasing attitude and pale blond hair came to mind pleasently for a moment. It felt as if I had flaoted away from my self, as if I was a breeze coming from the air vents on the cileing.

"Your to dangerous. Your reckless!" The surreal flaoting feeling shattered and blew away with my breeze imaginary dream. The twitching urge dropped from my face with a heavy feeling, the words of Bruce rattled my head in a foggy painful punch to my brain. A pitch heated my cheecks painfully, as the back of my eyes stung.

With a shake of my head locked in a inner mental turmoil, i went back to analyzing my discoveries . I had counted every camrea and recorded the data of which were working properly or not of every hall of the twenty two, too sixty nine packed floors. I had also analyzed that this part of the compound was in fact not under ground like the bunk had been, and judging by a small silver of sight from the window in a type of clearing, the rest was to far too see.

I had slept on the main stair case leading up and down all the floors of the white bunk ever since that test in that plastic box. With only a few stolen white bunk blankets beneath me on a door platform and the pillow off of my white bunk bed. The main stair case was always lite even at night hours. I couldn't sleep in the dark, not after seeing that. . .thing. I have been eating meals at the regularly time as any other white bunkmate, not to cause any suspicions.

I have been slipping food into the pockets of my jeans, or letting it fall down the front of my shirt to get caught in my sports bra, to create a stash. Stealing things in the white bunk was easy, the hard part was keeping it hidden from other thieving inmates, so i decided to hide all my valuables in the secret window room.    The "valued functional" inmates of my special trainings lessons had not been called or gather for any more lessons, which left me with more time to conjure up a plan. A plan i had yet to decide on what, or even a stratgie to what.

Glancing down at the food on my tray all swirled together to make a dull grey shade of a sickly color. The food was better this way, less of a race to get it down with out hurling with my controlled gag reflex. At least the bunk food was in some kind of soild form, or liquid  not a state of both mixed together.  The adults or doctors, whoever ran this joint, had changed the food from almost tasty soilds to this pile of mush ever since the incident with Jimmy Flezic. I guess they think, that we're going to start making our selves choke on food to end our lives.

"Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning, thunder cloud?"  i pulled my head up, as if pulling it out from under the heavy jet stream of shower water in the shower hall. The pale freckled face of Travis was smirking flashing white teeth. His once bold shinny head, was now covered in a thin fuzzy layer of brown stubble.

"Shut up, you dont even know what those things are" i retorted.

"Not true, I've seen them once, a long long long-did i mention long. Long, long time ago" he joked smirking.

"Did smiling ever kill you cupcake?" he stated. Flashing a sneaky grin once again. He must of thought his grinning would infect me if he just flashed it enough. The teasing grin of Mast popped before me, infront of Travis for a startling second. I blinked my eyes several times to clear the lasting effects of being bunk from my wounded brain.

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