
17 3 3

Agitation, apprehension at every shadow

Always a different phobia waiting to pounce

Fear is a small girl-child

Cowering in a corner

Forever about 7 years in age

As pale as the ghosts she sees day and night

Shivering like an earthquake

A fragile little thing

Threatening to break any moment

As she creeps into your house

Searching for comfort

But instead spreading her disease

A chill spreads throughout the rooms

She nears your bedside

You cry out

Your nightmares intensify

Your innermost horrors surfacing

Larger than life

She touches her tiny, cold hand to your forehead

Like icicles leaking their frozen blood

Cold, harsh fear pierces your veins

Chilling you to the bone

When you scream with alarm and terror

She jumps, shrieking

Not quite sure what she's done and flees

Back to the corner of her dark room

Recoiling from her demons that will never leave her

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