My Mask

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I wear a mask

Every day, I put it on 

I wear it dutifully

For I do not wish to

Nor would I wish it

On anyone else

No one truly knows me

Not even the people

Who are confident they do

But if you chance to spy on me

In the early hours of the morning

When all are asleep but me

And there is no sound

But the music in my ears

If you notice my scars

Both inside and out

If you glance over to see

Tears trying to break free

Mask hanging by a mere thread

If you look into my eyes

My once sparkling blue-grey eyes

And see the brokenness

All previous glitter dulled by reality

Then perhaps you can say

That you know the real me

As the Japs say

Everyone has three faces

And no one shall ever see my last

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