Russell Orchards

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A/N: This one is about an orchard in Massachusetts (where I currently live, although I'm moving soon). I thought it was okay, even though I wrote it a while ago. Enjoy!


Moseying up the gravelly drive, I'm on the edge of my seat.

I hop out of the van, boots landing on the tiny rocks with a crunch.

The first thing to hit me is the smell:

Apple-cider donuts, straw, something sweet I can't define.

The wind brushes through my hair and clothes, trying to carry me away.

We head past the wine-tasting, as tempting as it sounds

Straight to the tractor that will take us to our destination

The whole reason we came here: the orchard.

The straw I'm sat upon scratches my skin.

The ride is slow and bumpy and hot.

I'm squished between two other people

Way too close to be in my comfort zone.

But as the breeze sifts by

And we pass more and more apple trees,

I don't mind so much.

Strolling down the dirt road between endless upon endless rows of apple trees,

Wind persistently pushing and pulling me,

We search for the apples that we desire:

Honey Crisp, Ginger Gold, Cortland, and much more.

Hair blowing in my face,

Leaves rustling in the stubborn breeze,

People milling about, picking apples and talking,

I barely feel the hot sun on my back and legs,

Though there are beads of sweat trickling down my body.

An hour or so later, or so it seemed,

We trudge back to the wagon

With shiny, red faces and all appendages sore

From running, laughing, picking, dancing,

And having fun with friends.

Sitting back down on the straw and bouncing back toward the main farm,

I welcome the breeze that cools off my body.

We pass strawberries, pears, raspberries, & blackberries,

All in their rows, and I wish I could have some of each.

We're laughing and talking,

Always a happy bunch, even when we're tired and sweaty.

A pond, a barn, all typical farm things,

Decorate this quaint piece of land that stretches on for miles.

I run into the store,

Excited for doughnuts and air conditioning and more.

The smells of so many things hit me all at once:

Doughnuts, cider, ice cream, wine.

I'm quite tempted to try for the wine tasting,

But those silly age limits keep from it.

I opt for some doughnuts, ice cream, and sweets instead.

Vanilla ice cream, of course, is a must.

Some jelly beans, taffy, caramel, and fudge sneak their way into my bag.

But the best treat of all is several dozen cider doughnuts, fresh out of the fryer.

We now settle back in the van,

Slightly squished, but happy and content.

I lean against the window,

And close my eyes with a small smile gracing my face.

For apple-picking with friends

Is one of the best things you can do on a nice autumn day,

Especially at Russell Orchards.

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