Society Can Go Fuck Itself

13 3 0

I'm not gay, straight, bi, trans, ace, demi or pan

I'm just


Oh, I'm sorry

I just forgot

That's not allowed

Is it

I'll just go back

To my assigned box

And put on my mask

And pretend I'm alright


I won't

I'm tired of your rules

I don't want to be classified as

Emo or goth, preppy or hipster, tomboy or girly-girl

I just want to be free

Free of the bonds of society

Free from the constraints

Pressed upon me

By the media all around

I just don't understand

Why is it necessary

For you to judge us

Put everyone inside

Box upon box upon box upon box

Until we're isolated, alone

Caged within our individual boxes

With every single piece of who we are

Inside tiny little pill boxes

And a thousand pins

Stuck in our hearts & souls

Labelling us as

One of society's triumphs

And all we are is alone

Yet one with the world


I won't let you

You're not going to

Turn me into one of your puppets

You can't poke your pushpins in me

I won't be labelled

And boxed up

And shipped into a perfect home

We shall rise up

And defeat your constructs

Down with your crumbling society

We don't need your affirmation

Filled to the brim with lies

I live behind a mask

That society has created

Just for me

To hide my dirty little secrets

But why

Why am I not allowed

To just be who I am

No sexuality, no labels, no boxes



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