Stay Strong

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I know it's hard, I know your pain

You've gotta hang on, though, dear

Because there are people who love you

And want to help you

Despite what you tell yourself

When you're alone at night

You have friends, you are loved

Please don't do something you'll regret, love

It would kill me if you did, literally

Even when it seems like all hope is lost

Keep your head up, smile

And soon you'll see you were wrong

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times

When one only remembers to turn on the light

Just like a small blue train once said

"I think I can," I think you can

People live and people die

As Sir Elton once said, it's the circle of life

It's time to move on, sweetie

Society may make it harder

With their cruel jokes and insults

Don't give up, honey

Someone will always be waiting

For you to be the light that brightens their day

Believe that you can make it through

And you will

Push yourself to new limits

And you'll find a side to yourself

That you never even knew existed

Don't wait for the world to accept you

Who says you can't, fuck them over

Go out, find yourself, find love

Be you, be free, be happy

Don't let anyone tell you what to do

Don't hide yourself from the world anymore

Wear what you want, do what you want

Be whatever you want to be

Whatever you do, just remember

Keep calm, put a smile on

Screw all dem motherfuckers over

Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thang

And above all, stay strong

Because someone is going to need you someday

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