The Sea of Monsters

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The five stayed at a safe house Luke and Annabeth built with Thalia when they were on the run, and decided to rest there.

Their rest was put to an end when a Hydra appeared after Tyson had bought some donuts.

"Fire! We have to use fire! It's their weakness!" Annabeth shouted as Tyson beat the Hydra's heads like a whack-a-mole game.

Everyone scrambled to Vitani when she waved her pointed her waved her wand, a jet of flames shooting out of the tip and burning the Hydra horribly, making it shriek in pain. Tyson, being immune to fire, didn't feel a thing.

Vitani drove the Hydra back but before she could finish it off, Annabeth dragged to her to the ground. "Hit the deck!"


The Hydra exploded and covered everyone in Hydra guts. Vitani cringed in disgust before casting a spell to vanish and clean the guts off her and her companions.

"Steamship!" Tyson yelled.

Everyone looked to the shore, only to see an ironclad, Civil war battle cruiser that read 'CSS Birmingham' across the side in moss covered letters.

And standing next to the smoking cannon that nearly killed Vitani and her companions, was Clarisse.

"Losers." Clarisse sneered, mainly directing her ire to Percy and Annabeth. "But I suppose I have to rescue you, climb aboard."

Vitani just muttered under her breath as she trudged towards Clarisse's cruiser. "I'm not a loser, and I could've handled that Hydra just fine..."

Luke smiled comfortingly and pat Vitani on the back, kissing the side of her head.

After a tour of the ship, where they were introduced to Clarisse's zombie minions, they shared information in the Captain's quarters.

"Clarisse, we saw Ethan, he might be after the Fleece, too. He's got the coordinates and he's heading south. He has a cruise ship full of monsters-" Annabeth was cut off by Clarisse however.

"Good! I'll blow him out of the water." She smirked.

"You don't understand." Annabeth said. "We have to combine forces. Let us help you-"

"No!" Clarisse pounded the table. "This is my quest, smart girl! Finally I get to be the hero, and you five will not steal my chance."

"Where are your cabin mates?" Luke asked. "You were allowed to take two friends with you, weren't you?"

"They didn't ... I let them stay behind. To protect the camp."

"Vitani's barriers does a good enough job of that." Luke frowned.

"You mean even the people in your own cabin wouldn't help you?" Percy asked incredulously, catching on to what Luke was meaning.

"Shut up, Prissy! I don't need them! Or you!"

"Clarisse." Vitani said gently. "Tantalus is using you. He doesn't care about the camp. He'd love to see it destroyed. He's setting you up to fail."

"No! I don't care what the Oracle-" She stopped her self.

"What?" Percy asked. "What did the Oracle tell you?"

"Nothing." Clarisse's ears turned pink, Vitani was tempted to use legilimency, but she respected Clarisse's privacy too much. "All you need to know is that I'm finishing this quest and you're not helping. On the other hand, I can't let you go ..."

"So we're prisoners?" Annabeth asked.

"Guests. For now." Clarisse propped her feet up on the white linen tablecloth and opened another Dr Pepper. "Captain, take them below. Assign them hammocks on the berth deck. If they don't mind their manners, show them how we deal with enemy spies."

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