Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Antaeus

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Percy arranged a meeting with Rachel Elizabeth Dare in Time's square. She was a clear sighted mortal would could see through the mist.

When they found her in front of the Marriot Marquis, she was completely painted gold.

The group stood there for five minutes, staring at Rachel. But if she noticed them, she didn't let on.

"Maybe if we push her over." Annabeth suggested.

After another few minutes, a kid in silver walked up from the hotel taxi stand, where he had been taking a break. He took a pose like he was lecturing the crowd, right next to Rachel.

Rachel then unfroze herself and stepped off the tarp.

"Hey, Percy." She grinned. "Good timing! Let's get some coffee."

They all walked down to a place called the Java Moose on West 43rd. Rachel ordered an Espresso Extreme, Vitani got a lemonade slushie, and Luke, Percy, and Annabeth got fruit smoothes.

No one looked twice at Rachel in her golden outfit.

Rachel then saw Luke, she stared at him like she had just noticed he was there.

"Holy-you're hot! Like, smokin' hot." Rachel said, staring at Luke with wide eyes.

Annabeth twitched slightly, Vitani raised a brow, and Luke smiled wryly.

"He's married." Annabeth said tensely.

"Damn." Rachel cursed before facing Annabeth and Vitani. "So, you're Annabelle, right? And you're Vivian?"

"Annabeth." Annabeth corrected.

"And it's Vitani." Vitani said.

"Do you always dress in gold?" Luke asked.

"Not usually." Rachel said. "We're raising money for our group. We do volunteer art projects for elementary kids 'cause they're cutting art from the schools, you know? We do this once a month, take in about five hundred dollars on a good weekend. But I'm guessing you don't want to talk about that. You're a half-blood, too?"

"Shhh!" Annabeth said, looking around. "Just announce it to the world, how about?"

"Okay." Rachel stood up and said really loud, "Hey, everybody! These four aren't human! They're half Greek god!"

Nobody even looked over. Rachel shrugged and sat down. "They don't seem to care."

"That's not funny." Annabeth said. "This isn't a joke, mortal girl."

"Hold it, you two." Luke said. "Just calm down."

"I'm calm." Rachel insisted. "Every time I'm around you, Percy, some monster attacks us. What's to be nervous about?"

"Look." Percy said. "I'm really sorry about the band room. I hope they didn't kick you out or anything."

"Nah. They asked me a lot of questions about you. I played dumb."

"Was it hard?" Annabeth asked, Vitani sighed and elbowed her slightly.

"Okay, stop!" Percy intervened. "Rachel, we've got a problem. And we need your help."

Rachel narrowed her eyes at Annabeth. "You need my help?"

Annabeth stirred her straw in her smoothie. "Yeah," she said suddenly. "Maybe."

Percy then told Rachel about the Labyrinth, and how they needed to find Daedalus. Then he told her what had happened the last few times they'd gone in.

"So you want me to guide you." she said. "Through a place I've never been."

"That about sums it up." Luke nodded.

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