Chapter 3

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A testimony to my insanity

The moon is my sun
The night is my day

blood is my life
And you are my prey

Dancing with insanity
Flirting with death

Laughing at life
I play with the Devil instead

I know where I belong
I don't try to fight

For there was never a place
For the broken in the light

Yes, I am chaos
Chaos just out of sight

I live in the darkness
And the darkness does bite

If you end up crossing my path
And God help you if you do

Good luck, you'll need it
Believe me, it's true

Those were the words running through my head as I ran my finger tips across the wall. I was taking Ed and Al to their room, basically a jail cell. After our conversation in Doc's lab things were kind of awkward. They didn't talk or anything, and I was happy to just hum my little song as I showed them the way.

About half way there (the rooms are a considerable amount away from our starting place) I stop. I guess it was kind of abrupt because Ed almost slammed into Alphonse. That would have been bad, very bad.

"Hey Al, try not to touch people unless I check how cold your armor is." I say as I turn to the startled boys, "you could get burns or frostbite if contact is maintained for too long. Around here that won't take much time."

"O-okay." He said as we started walking again. Soon we were back to the awkward silence. I made a couple turns, breaking contact with the wall only to switch the side I was feeling.

When we finally made it to the cell, the boys still had not uttered a single word since earlier.
"This is where you will be staying until general Armstrong sees fit. The beds are kinda uncomfortable but it's the best I can give you two at the moment."
I say, giving the boys an apologetic smile.

I can tell Ed shot Alphonse a look by the swishing of fabric he made when he glanced at Al. I couldn't see what the expression plastered on his face was, so I just ignored it.

"I'll see you guys in 30 minutes, that will give you enough time to shower and get out of those clothes." I say directed at Ed, the only one who needed to change clothes at the moment. I walked out of the room and into a storage room a couple doors over and sat down on one of the boxes.

Yes, I was giving them time to freshen up a bit after a long day. But I also wanted to hear what they would talk about without me in the room. I was curious what they would say, if they would say anything at all. I stopped being self-conscious about my sight a long time ago, but I also haven't really met anyone new in a long time.

At Briggs, everyone knows I'm blind. And I've proven multiple times that I am strong and somebody not to mess with. The people here like me. I'm funny, I tell jokes, I tease people... In a place like Briggs people like me are appreciated. They respect me and I respect them. I don't get in the way and i pull my weight, but I don't slide by in the shadows. What I'm trying to say is I've never really been in a situation where I have to meet new people, and I don't want to make a bad impression.

I thought they liked me, and then it was just like I was a stranger all over again. I know I don't have the best social skills, but you wouldn't either if you lived in a wall between two frozen countries!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard mumbling coming from the wall opposite of me.

"Do you think she was born blind?"
I heard who I think is Ed say from my post on the box. "She seems very well adapted to her... Surroundings." Al said, even still trying to be respectful.
"Do you think she knows alchemy?" Al said, switching topics.
"She's smart, I'll give her that much... I think she knows, Al. Remember how she had a mini interrogation with us. Saying that we couldn't keep secrets from her?"

"Yeah, I remember... Do you think we should tell her? I mean, you said it yourself how she was smart. I think she could really help us get our body's back. Or help fight the homoncoulu-"
It was at this point I stopped listening.

These boys know about the homoncoulus?! How do they know about the homoncoulus?! How much do they know?!?!?!!
Thoughts swarmed my head at lightning speed as I tried to process the information given to me. After wrangling my thoughts I came up with a plan. Not only for their sake, but to save my own skin.

Step 1. Get close to them
I'll get to know them. Maybe I'll tell them about how I lost my sight. Make them trust me... Maybe they'll tell me who they tried to bring back.

Step 2. See what they know about the homoncoulus. I'll get to fill in the blanks of my story and maybe I'll help them out.

Step 3......... I got nothin. Zip. Zilch. I'll just do what I always do. Play it by ear (hahahahahah!! I'm so funny) and go with the flow. If they do end up being evil, or try to hurt me I'll just get rid of them. I would never hurt an innocent, but I'm all I've got left at this point. I can't rely on other people in this world and I won't start now.

I get up off my boxes and activate the transmutation circles on the bottom of my shoes. I'm 'looking' for buccaneer, or doc. People I can go to for things I can't do myself. I have to go ask for the time, gotta make sure I don't barge in on the Elrics when they aren't ready yet.

"Found'um." I say to myself as I locate buccaneer just a couple hallways away from me. I start to jog around the corner, ready to ask the time.

A/N) So that was my chapter. I'm not proud of it so if you think I should rewrite it I will. I don't know if I should make this a fluff, awkward, action packed thing or not. Maybe I won't make this romantic or anything. No crushes, no nothin. But I'm still thinking. PLEASE give me feedback and stuff. I love hearing from you guys and I want to make this story great so leave suggestions and stuff.

-Edie 💋

Edward Elric X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now