Chapter 11 (and funny story)

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A couple days had passed and I knew there was no more time to be fooling around. Raven has ordered General Armstrong to put the homunculus back in the tunnel and seal it back up. I walked to stand beside the General and Raven. I turned towards Armstrong.

'she must have a plan! Right?' I think to myself. She must have read my mind because she just patted my shoulder. And moved to stand on the outside of my body, putting me next to General Raven. Armstrong takes advantage of my hearing and whispers very softly,

"Do you want to kill him or should I?" She said so quietly only I could hear. I tap my foot as my answer and I motion to her sword, asking if I can use her beloved weapon. I hear her nod and I draw it quickly. As soon as it starts it's over, and he is dead.

"Sorry, I got it dirty." I say, handing her back her sword.
"That's okay, I wouldn't have done it any other way."

We stand there quietly for a few seconds.
"I must go, General. Can you deal with this?" I ask. She hummed and I left the area.

Kimblee is really getting on my nerves. I always catch him looking at me, I can feel his stare wherever I go. I shiver.

I run to the Elric's room.

"Any news I should be hearing about?" I ask. I could probably cut through the air the tension was so thick.
"Yeah, you're being used as a hostage by Kimblee and his men." My eyebrows raise a little on my forehead.
"They'll hurt you and Winry if we don't do what they say." Al says. I had heard about Winry from some stories Ed and Al told me. It's obvious they both care about her.

"Well that isn't much of a surprise with all that's been happening around here. Oh by the way, General Raven won't be a problem anymore. So it's just Kimblee." I could tell they wanted to ask about Raven, but they thought better of it knowing the General and I.

They filled me in on what was going to happen. They had to go after Scar (a man I was not very excited to meet) and capture him. They would try to work something out and try to get me away from Kimblee so they couldn't use me anymore.

A couple days later our plan was set into motion. I made an excuse to go with the Elrics by saying they were still my responsibility, and I am following orders to look out for them.

We got out of the car and it was clear that Kimblee wasn't going to let us run around alone.

'We gotta loose these guys' I thought to myself as Ed and Al turned and pointed in the direction of an abandoned building.
I ran in front of them and into the building, affectively loosing the guards.

We walked around a bit, looking for Scar or the girl. Ed was muttering to himself and Al was just quiet. Of course I was humming my customary hum and occasionally skipping across the rooftops.

Eventually we ran into the Alcehestry girl and she was all over Al.  I just slowly backed away towards Edward and whispered to him

"Is she serious? I hope she's not serious." I just heard the ruffle of fabric, signifying a shrug.

All I could do was shake my head as more and more people entered the room, especially a man whose backstory was obviously untrue and made Ed look like the bad guy. Honestly, how'd I end up with such an interesting life.

Ok so story within a story

So I was home alone and my parents were only going to be gone for a second cuz they had to go grab something. I was watching YouTube when I heard my garage door opening, signifying that my parents just got home. so my mom comes into my room and says "Bea, the dog's outside in the street. You need to go get her!"

Now my first instinct is to say, "Why the hell is she outside in the street?!." let meh just give you some back story on the fluffy terror that is my dog. Basically, she hates me... Not kidding. See when my parents got married they got my dog, She is a black toy poodle. Three years later they had me. That means my dog is OLDER than me and she was the baby before the baby.

Whenever I come close to my dog (and that's not very often for fear of loosing fingers) she growls and snaps at me. she is so old that she is now blind and deaf so she's just like a walking sack of potatoes. being the only child, the responsibility of caring for the terrifying sack of potatoes falls on my shoulders. And you're probably saying, "She's blind and deaf, how evil could she be?" let me answer your question with a question.

You know those sweet old ladies that carry around lollipops and love children? that is not my dog. My dog is that mean old lady that uses her walking stick as a murder weapon when you try to help her across the street. despite all of that i still love her and I dont want her to get hit by a car, so I grab her leash and I walk outside.

So my house is on a cul'de sac, you know, that circle of houses with the patch of grass in the middle? yeah, so my mom said the street and I expected her to be just outside. wandering in her Helen Keller like state, waiting for me to rescue her from wherever she was now, right?


she was WAAYYYY farther out than i expected, like 40 yards farther than i expected. As far as i knew she had only been outside for 30 seconds before i got my butt outside to go get her, and how her potato sack legs got her out that far in that little amount of time is a mystery I will never know the answer to. seeing the scene in front of me I break into a dead sprint to get her furry little self back inside when suddenly my legs stop being legs and I almost face-plant into the concrete of the road in front of my house. after that near disaster i go and clip her leash onto her collar, almost loosing my hand in the process...


Edward Elric X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now