Chapter 8

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I have adapted to my lack of sight, my other senses are now heightened. Remember my hearing? Yeah, I could hear about 3 rooms away. 4 if it's quiet in the rooms In between. Now was not one of those times.

I could hear the Elrics bickering from over here! I'm all the way down the hall! I start to pace in my room, deciding to just wait it out until their bickering ceased.

I play around with some new transmutation circles I've been working on in my head. I want to increase my range of 'sight'.

'Maybe I could get the boys help on this, they seem very gifted.' My concentration shattered as I heard a loud thump along with the voice of Ed saying something I don't even want to try to decipher.

"I swear, if they don't stop soon somebody's loosing a finger." I said out loud to myself.

Another crash.

I was out the door in two seconds flat. Stomping down the hallway that lead to the Elric's cell. I bust open the door and stood there for a second. I move and I feel the boys flinch. I straighten my back and square my shoulders.

"If you boys don't shut up right now, somebody in this room will be missing a finger." I say calmly just as Miles walked by.
"I wouldn't push her if I were you. I think She would enjoy having a finger collection, don't give her a reason the start one." He said, peeking his head into the room as he did so.

"One second you are cheery and happy! The next you are completely, and utterly terrifying!" Al says as he backed away from the door slowly.

"That sounds like me." I replied thoughtfully.
"Now then, are you going to tell me what all of that noise was about?" I question them, never loosing the edge to my voice.
"I thought I heard my name being thrown around at one point. Any reason?" I tilted my head to the side.


I sigh, "okay then, since you obviously can't keep it together on your own, just come with me." I say leading them down the hall to my dorm.

"It is my responsibility to look after you both, and if I have to sleep in the same room as you to keep you guys from breaking anything so be it." I say

My room is a good sized room, it has enough space to fit 5 people comfortably, so an extra suit at armor and a pipsqueak won't be to hard to accommodate.

I walk over to my bed, it's a queen so it's big enough to fit two people. But no way in hell is that happening right now.

I clap my hands together and transmute my one bed into two beds. One for me, and one for Ed.

"Hey Al? If you get bored I have plenty of books you can read." I say quietly,
"Thanks (Y/N). But why do you have so many books in here?" Al said

"I used to love to read, and sometimes I ask people to read to me." I say sheepishly, putting my head down in embarrassment.

"Oh, well if you ever want to read something, brother and I will always be willing to read to you." Al said, speaking for Ed.

Even though it was Al who said it, Ed liked the idea of reading to (Y/N). He hoped he would get the chance.

"Awww, thanks guys." I say yawning. "Well Ed, pick which bed you want." I say sleepily.
"Uh, I'll just take this one," he said walking over to the one on the right.
"Mm'kay, goodnight." I say as I slip into my bed.

"Don't leave the room. Al, wake us up at 7:30 so get some sleep... Or you can stay up I really don't care as long as you are quiet." I said with my eyes closed as I lay on my side.

"Ok," Alphonse said, sitting on the bench in the corner of the room with his head in a book. Ed just hummed to let me know I heard him.

It wasn't long before Ed fell asleep, and I fell asleep soon after.

In the morning
Ed's POV

I woke up around 6:30. I had an hour to do whatever in here before it was time to wake
(Y/N) up. I wasn't even going to try to leave after the finger collection threat. I saw her lift a giant metal tube and fight a giant homunculus with grace so I'm not taking any chances.

"Hey, Al." I whispered. "Read anything good?"
"Yeah, (Y/N's) choice in books is amazing. I'm used to reading for only researching things so it's nice to just read for fun." Al whispered back.

I grabbed a random book of the shelf, it was called 'The Unwanted' it's about people living on an island and they're not allowed to use Alchemy, and every year they purge 13 year olds that practice Alchemy. (I changed the storyline for fma but that's basically what the book is, READ IT!)

I just about finished the book when (Y/N) started to wake up. I glanced at the clock, it read 7:10

She was tossing and turning so I walked over to her bed to shake her awake. As soon as I touched her arm I was pinned down with (Y/N) on top of me and my flesh arm behind my back.

"Oh, sorry Ed." She said, her eyes still half lidded in grogginess. She got up. "Be careful, I have fast reflexes and I keep a knife in my mattress." She said, lifting up the sheet on her bed to show the glint of the knife.

"What time is it?" She asks Al "7:12" he said.
"We have to be in the mess hall at 8:00, So we can do whatever until then." She informed

"(Y/N), I love your book selection!" Al spoke up as he closed his 4th book of the night.
"Really? Thanks." She said shrugging and she rubbed the back of her neck.

I got an idea, "hey (Y/N), do you want us to read to you?" I ask her, slightly embarrassed.
"Would you?" She said excitedly.
"Yeah," said Al, "what book do you want?"

"Well, I have been trying to finish (book name) for a while now." She said
I grabbed it off the shelf and flipped to the last page she was on and started reading.

Doc peaked her head into the room, she usually was the one waking up (Y/N) every morning. She looked at the sight of Ed reading a book out loud to (Y/N), (Y/N) curled up next to him on the bed listening to the story, and Al secretly taking pictures of then looking kawaii together.

Yep, all was right with the world.

So that was kind of a fluff chapter. Yeah, so please like and comment on what I can improve so I can make this story even better! Also please follow me for notifications on updates, and bc I want to show my friends that people actually like what I write. Anyway love ya!


Edward Elric X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now