Chapter 10

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Later that day, after leaving the boys in their cell, I went and talked to Armstrong again. I asked her about General Raven, and I asked her to try to get information from him.

A little while later the General and Raven had set up a meeting. (Of course we were listening in) She was saying how she just couldn't have hurt 'two sweet young boys'

I just snickered

"Oh please, she would'a tortured you in a heartbeat!" I say, laughing at the General's bad acting. But what do you know, he took the bait. I left after a little while, his droning on and on was getting boring so I decided to just let Ed and Al fill me in later.

I went back to my room, having nothing better to do. I brushed my hand across my desk, looking for the book Ed was reading to me earlier. I smile to myself, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have a family.

I heard a little ding from my clock. Doc set it up so that I know when I'm supposed to do stuff. She still wakes me up in the morning but at least I know when it's time to start getting ready for bed without asking anyone.

I make my way over to my dresser, stumbling the whole time because of the boys leaving things in the way. I'll have to tell them about that.

I feel for the top left drawer and pull out a soft sleep shirt. It's long so it reaches my thigh and covers me. It's supposed to be really cold tonight so I pull on some sweatpants as well.

I reach over my side of the now split bed and grab the book Ed was reading to me. I take it and walk to their cell and open the door.

"Hey guys," I say, "do you mind reading to me again? I want to know what happens to (book character name)." I say quietly, as if to not disturb the silence.

"Well, sure." I hear Ed reply and I hand him the book. He opened to the page and started reading aloud again. I had let myself in with a spare set of keys and unchained Ed and al's wrists.

After finishing a couple chapters I was really tired. I had already curled up and was laying on a pillow next to Ed. I snuggled into his warmth, already half asleep.

Ed moved slightly and I woke up a bit. Understanding the situation I was in I took charge.

"Both of you are being very loud, you need to come with me so I can keep an eye on you two." I say, blinking away sleep.
"But we haven't even said anythin-"
"I already told you, now move it." I say standing up.

Ed and Al now understood what I was doing and just went along with it. I mean my bed is more comfortable then the springy mattress of the holding cell.

"Oh, and try to keep things off the floor, I will trip over them." I say, still sleepy as we reach my room.

I slide into my bed and Ed gets in his. they already know the rules from last time and won't try anything.

"Good night." I say to no one in particular
"Good night." They say

And I fell asleep listening to the sound of Ed's breathing.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. My mom got hurt and I have been taking care of her. Anyway I want to tell you I will be doing a Q and A for anyone who wants to ask me questions!! Just leave them in the comments below and I'll answer them in the next chapter.
Love ya


Edward Elric X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now