Chapter Eighteen

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  • Dedicated to Chucoo my giant rabbit!!! <333

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I just didn't know what to do with this chapter. It's kind of like a bridge for the next big one which i'm almost done with already soooo... :))) Bare with me for this chap? - Caitee

Chapter Eighteen

Once glance is all it took…

                “I’m a – You’re a – But – How does that - What?” I basically screech. I have never been so confused. I look at Keaton for some kind of help but he offers nothing but a sad shrug.

                “You. Are. A. Nymph,” Maggi says super slow as if I’m stupid.

                “And. You. Are. Delusional,” I say at the same pace right back at her. Maggi give me a dirty look and then crosses her arms as she walks away. Keaton suppresses a laugh as he looks at me in amusement.

                “You are taking this fairly well…” Keaton smiles.

                I look at him incredulously, “I’m not taking anything anywhere! I will believe it when I see it.”

                “No problem,” Corrine gives me a warm smile before she walks over to me, “Can I please see your ankle quickly?”

                “Uh… Sure…”

                I lift my hurt ankle and Corrine holds it fragilely before moving a dining chair table under it making sure that nothing touches it. I look around for a second and notice that most of the food is uneaten because Maggi blurted out the words ‘you are a freaking nymph so learn our ways you freak!’ at the beginning of dinner making me choke on water. Corrine smiles at me one last time warmly before focusing on my ankle. I look at her in astonishment as her hair beings to whirl around slowly as if she’s underwater. That’s not the freakiest part either. Her eyes turn a silver color and swirl around me like liquid silver. Holy shit she’s some kind of devil! I jump up when my ankle grows hot for a second. I managed to knock over three water classes in the process along with a plate full of the steak Keaton’s dad made and a bowl of chopped fruit.

                Corrine stops whatever she was doing and calms down. Her hair stops levitating and her eyes stop swirling like crazy. I close my eyes and squeeze: praying to god that this is just some sick joke. I open them to find everyone in the room giving me odd looks. I remove my ankle from the chair and quickly set it down fragilely.

                “You don’t have to worry about your ankle. It isn’t broken anymore. Your enhanced healing and Corrine’s ability fixed you right up hun,” Keaton’s mom smiles at me.

                I look at my ankle skeptically and then add more pressure onto it. I feel nothing but my ankle. No pain, no soreness, not even an itch. Maybe it’s numb. I wiggle my toes and I feel the sand under them. Nope; not numb. I look up at his mother and give her a half smile, “Thanks you Mrs.-“

                “Please call me Opal,” Keaton’s mom smiles at me.

                “Mrs. Robins I don’t think-“

                “No buts.”



                I nod and lean back in my table. Alright so I’m a freak of nature… Does my mother know what I am or do I have to break to her that her only daughter is not only freakishly small and elfish looking but also an actual nymph which is just like an elf. Woop-di-fucking-do.

                “Your mother knows. Your dad told her before he was killed off,” Maggi smiles at me in sympathy.

                My dad? No one’s ever told me about my dad, “How do you know about my dad?”

                “Uh… I think you need a nap,” Maggi smiles before she raises a hand. My vision gets blurry and everything begins to go black. I look around in panic but everything is so slow. The last thing I see is Keaton’s sad eyes staring at me. Those dark brown eyes. They can pierce the soal and hurt you from the inside out with one look. My heart melted when they tried to pierce into my soul but I was too far gone. Once glance and it hurt. Once glance…

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