~ ONE ~

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She was new. Her name was Bella Swan according to everyone else. I heard about her all morning but hadn't actually seen her till now. I saw her as soon my eyes laid on the usual table I sit at. Her long, dark brown hair different from anyone else that had sat that table. Something about her felt different. I couldn't exactly describe it.

I walked over to the table. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. It was if something bad were going to happen. As I got closer to the table it began to feel like Bella was pulling me towards her. As if we were magnets.

"Hey." I casually greeted when I got to the table. I pulled up a chair and sat next to her. "Bella, right?"

"Uh, yeah." She answered. Her tone suggested something was on her mind.

"I'm Avery." I smiled.

"Hey Avery." Jessica and Angela greeted me, as usual.

Jessica and Angela are good friends. They were one of the first people to actually talk to me when I was new here. Sometimes I think they only still talk to me because they'd rather be my friend than my enemy. I've always had a bad temper and school doesn't exactly bring out the best me. That and a few other reasons.

"Who are they?" Bella asked looking over at the window.

I glanced over to where she was looking and saw the Cullens. Everybody wanted to know who they were. One look and you could automatically tell something was different about them. That and they were 'insanely attractive' as Angela has said many times.

"They're bad news, that's what they are." I said with distaste. I never liked the Cullens. I knew what they were and they probably knew what I was.

"Well, they are a bit weird but they're not that bad." Jess said. She went on to explain each one and how they were together. Then Edward came in and I could tell he took Bella's breath away.

After Edward sat down Bella turned to sneak a glance at him. Of course she would.

"It's best if you don't mess around with Edward." I warned Bella. "He doesn't really like relationships of any kind." I tried to put the idea of them out of her head.

"Are you..and him together?" She asked somewhat nervously.

I gagged a bit on some water I had. "Me and him?! Oh no, definitely not!"

Jessica and Angela shared a short laugh. Soon after that Mike and Eric joined us.

We continued on with our regular conversations. All throughout I still felt that weird connection with Bella. It left me confused.

When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch Jess and Angela went off. They usually had to leave quickly because their next class was on the other side of the school.

"Do you mind showing me where biology is at?" Bella asked.

"I don't mind. Just follow me." I told her with a small smile.

We navigated the halls and eventually got to the biology room. I walked in with Bella and immediately saw Edward. Come on, seriously?! Of course Bella's next class would be with the person I told her to avoid. As long as they don't get to talking it should be good.

"This is Bella, she's new." I informed the teacher.

"Thanks, Avery." Bella said.

"No problem." I said. As I walked out I glanced at Edward.

I went to my next class: American history. Which I, unfortunately, had with another one of them. I took my seat next to the one and only Jasper. Something was definitely off with him other than being a vampire. He always looked like he was dying inside, but even more than the average high school student.

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