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"You never told me about the vision Alice had." I mentioned to Bella. Jacob and Billy had already left and we were in Bella's room.

"Oh yeah, I didn't."

"What kind of vision did you mean? Like she saw something or what?" Whatever the answer was I don't think I'm going to be surprised. Alice is a vampire after all.

"She can see visions of the future. She said that it wasn't until you were leaving that she could finally see your future."

"So I was basically void to her powers?" I smirked. I'm just that cool enough to deflect vampire powers.

"Yep." Bella nodded. "She was really surprised at what she saw. She said that it was you but..." Bella got uncomfortable which just made me want to know more.

"But I what?"

"You watching every one of the Cullens burn. She said there were limbs everywhere an-and you were just watching. Like you were the one who did it." Bella hands were shaking slightly as she told me. She couldn't even look at me. Did she really think I would ever kill them? I mean I have no reason to.

"Bella, you don't actually think that I would do that?" She didn't say anything. "Do you?" I asked more urgently.

I would never actually do it. I don't like the Cullens but I would never murder them.

"Edward said the future could always change."

"So you don't trust me?" Every part of me hoped Bella would say that she still trusted me.

"...I still trust you."

I felt the uncertainty coming from her. I was upset of course. Bella didn't fully trust me and it was all because of that stupid vision. So, I ignored it. I pretended that I believed she still had full trust in me.

"Well I'm going to take a shower now." I said. I wanted to leave the room as soon as possible. I didn't want to show how bitter and angry I truly was.

"Look, Avery, I was serious. I still do trust you. It's just the thought of Edward-and the rest of them-dying it's a horrible thought." Bella was actually being sincere. I didn't even need the connection to tell me that. "Of all people I thought Alice would see doing that I never thought it would be you."

"I know right." I said in agreement but I wasn't being completely honest.

I knew why Alice would see me killing them all. It was because of the people who sent that letter to me awhile back. Well they weren't really people either. They were the exact opposite in every way possible.


"Oh my..." I let slip out.

The Cullens must rob banks with their super speed to get money for a house like this.

Edward led us in the house. Windows were everywhere filling the house with light. It was a beautiful place. Who wouldn't want to live here forever?

"Very open." Bella mentioned.

"What were you expecting? Coffins, dungeons, moats?" Edward asked with a laugh.

"Not the moats."

I personally was still expecting moats along with a medieval style castle.

We walked over the kitchen where I heard some noise. There was also an amazing smell. I was eager to find out what was cooking.

"Bella, Avery!" A woman with reddish brown hair called out. She must be Dr. Cullen's wife. "We were just making a dish for you."

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