~ FIVE ~

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"You and Bella should come with us to Port Angeles." Angela suggested regarding her and Jessica's plan of dress shopping.

"I didn't really plan on going to prom." I told them.

"Why not?" Jessica asked urgently.

"It's gonna boring espically when if you're going alone, like I am." I stated. Mike had finally asked Jessica, with Bella's suggestion. Angela actually asked Eric and he said yes. Of course, I was happy for them both. I just don't like to be alone when everyone else isn't.

"You don't have to go with someone. We're gonna be there to keep you company."

"Yeah, definitely." I say sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. "Out of support I'll go with you guys. Just know I'm no fashionista."

"You said you were going to Port Angeles?" Bella asked.

"Yeah." Angela responded.

"I'll go then." Bella informed them. She must be planning something if she's only going because of Port Angeles.


When the day was over and I met up with Bella I had to ask her what had been on my mind since lunch.

"Bella, no offense but, why are you going dress shopping with them? I feel like you'd rather do anything else than go dress shopping. Like anything."

"At least I'm not going 'out of support.' There's a book store in Port Angeles that sells a spefic book I'm looking for about Quileute legends."

Oh, it's about the Cullens thing. Of course it's about the Cullens. "Bella, I don't think a book is gonna answer your questions about the Cullens."

"It wasn't normal, Avery. I've been coming up with theory after theory. This is the only real lead I have. You know Edward was no where near me. You saw him!" She said full of passion.

"Okay, okay. I get it, you wanna know. It's just- what if don't find what you're looking for."

"Like what?" I felt Bella's suspicion towards me rise.

"What if it just says the Cullens were descended from...frogs or something stupid like that?"

"I doubt it." She smiled. "I just want an answer, that's it."


"What about this one?" Jessica asked for about the thousandth time.

"Don't wear gloves. You're not going to prom in the 1930s." I responded.

Bella seemed distant, her mind was somewhere else completely. A couple of guys knocked on the window we were by and began catcalling Jess and Angela. I was immediately disgusted. Do people not have any respect nowadays?

"I'm gonna head to a bookstore. I'll meet up with you guys at the restaurant." Bella said quickly, grabbing her things and leaving. The girls were too distracted to even pay attention, they simply nodded.

"You mind if I go with you?" I asked Bella before she left. I wasn't about to let her go anywhere alone with scum like those catcalling dudes nearby.

"I don't mind."

I grabbed my bag and basically ran away from that store.

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