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It was the last week of school before prom. I planned to not go at all but Bella had bugged me about going. She used subjects like "memories" and "future regret" to try and persuade me. Then Jasper asked if I was going after telling him no he also tried persuading me. Then he used his emotional abilities to try and make me go. It didn't work, of course. In short, most of that week was full of everyone trying to get me to go to prom.

Thursday night Bella had called me saying she wasn't going to prom if I didn't. After back and forth bickering between us I fell into the trap and promised I would go.

Now here I was getting ready for an event I never planned to go to. I stared at myself in the mirror as I finished putting on my mascara. I'm not going to lie, I looked good. I just had no motivation to go. If Jacob happened to be my date then I would have plenty of motivation. My clock read 8:23 PM. Prom started at 8. I really did not want to be there early. This is for Bella. I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag.


"Bella," I said in shock. "You look amazing!"

Her dress went so well with her. And I never seen Bella wear a dress before. Even Edward was looking good. Maybe going to prom wasn't so bad.

All of us went to go buy our tickets. I wanted to pay for mine after them. I let them walk ahead, they deserved their alone time. When I reached for my bag I realized I forgot it in my car. I quickly went back to get it. While I was walking towards my car I noticed someone in the clearing near the woods. As I got closer I saw that it was Jacob. He was smiling back at me. I swear I couldn't get enough of that smile.

"What a nice surprise," I said with a smile. It was one of those smiles that were uncontrollable. Jacob was my cause for uncontrolled smiling.

"I couldn't miss this, couldn't miss another chance to see you." He was very well dressed, which I definitely enjoyed.

Then it clicked. Bella wanted me to go to prom so badly because of this. But then why did Jasper insist? No, it didn't matter now. The only thing that mattered was this moment.

"I know there's no music out here but," Jacob held out his hand. "Can I have this dance?"

"Of course," I put my hand in his and went into his arms. "Bear with me though, I'm not a good dancer."

"Neither am I." He chuckled.

We moved slowly, my head laided against his chest. I could hear the faint beat of his heart. Never had I loved a sound so much.

"So, you planned this then?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I needed Bella's help though. A lot of it. You're very stubborn."

"What can I say? When I make my mind I try to stick to it." I smirked slyly at him.

"Well then I must be very stubborn about you."

I laughed into his chest. I also wanted to hide the intense blush on my face from him. 

"I don't know, Jacob." I tried to supress my blushing. But in all honesty, Jacob deserved better than me. He was booming with life and, compared to him, I was just a dying flower surrounded by weeds. "You don't want someone like me. You're better off with someone normal."
"Normal? That doesn't exist. It doesn't matter anyway, I don't want anything that isn't you."

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