~ TWO ~

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"Bella, we should really hang out more." I told her when I finally got the chance to at lunch.

Bella seemed like a good person but that wasn't really my reason for wanting to be friends with her. I really just wanted the connection to stop bugging me. It seemed to calm down if I knew Bella was alright.

Bella looked at me awkwardly for a few seconds. I waited for her response and then felt a wave for awkwardness come over me. I still wasn't used to connection transmitting her emotions to me.

Bella still looked awkward. "Um-"

Eric interrupted her before she could answer. "Avery has always been the lesbian of our group but we accept her the way she is. Isn't that right?" He joked.

"Oh my God, no, I'm not. I'm not a lesbian. I meant hang out as friends." I explained to Bella with a blush running all over me.

"Oh, yeah sure. We should hang out then." She replied with relief.
"I'm gonna punch you, Eric." I said with a small laugh.

"You know I love you." He laughed back.


"Hey Bella, wait up." I called out as she began walking to biology.

"What is it?"

"Wanna skip class? You seem like you got something on your mind. Skipping one class isn't gonna hurt." I suggested.

"To do what?" She asked uninterested.

"We're gonna snort cocaine and inject heroin at a crack house in the woods." I said full of sarcasm. "But no, I wanted to head up and get some food. Today's lunch wasn't so good."

"Oh okay then. I guess I'll go."

The lunch room was clearing out so we had to go before it was noticeable.

"We're taking my car." I said as we left the school.

When we got in my car and I turned it on my music was blaring. Bella jumped and I quickly turned the knob. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Sorry about that. I like my music pretty loud." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'm just surprised that you listen to opera. You don't seem like the type."

"My mom listened to it all the time so it grew on me. It also helps me calm down." I told her. That was probably the most open I've been with a person, even if it was just something simple like ny music taste.

I pulled out of the parking space and got out of the lot.

"Are you close with your mother?" Bella asked as I was driving.

"I was. She divorced my dad and left before we moved here."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not that bad." I said. It might've been a lie but I wasn't even sure myself. "What about your parents?"

"They're divorced too. I'm staying with my dad, Charlie, for awhile."

"Oh, is he cool? You didn't really sound happy when you mentioned him." I smirked.

"He's alright. You know, he tries."

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